Faculty of Business Administration

Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College, and the School of Science & Technology . The faculty is the largest in Israel with more than 5,000 students and about 500 lecturers. Served as a full professor at the faculty of engineering, in Ben-Gurion University. Professional skills are in the field of conflict and risk modeling with application to a variety of problems in economic, business, politics, and technology.
To Profile or Not?, Risk Analysis, June, 2023, pp. 1-16
Analysis of the SOX Ban on Non-Audit Services from an Auction Model Perspective, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, August 2019, pp. 1-14.
Professor Moshe Ben Horin is Ono’s President and an expert in the field of finance and capital markets. Previously he was Ono’s Chancellor, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, and a Professor of Business Administration. In addition, Prof. Ben Horin was Head of the Investments and Audit Committees and a member of the board of directors Harel-Pia Mutual Fund Management, Ltd. He formerly served in similar positions at Leumi-Pia (Bank Leumi) and Lahak (Bank Hapoalim). Before joining Ono Academic College full-time, Prof. Ben Horin was a Hebrew University faculty member in Jerusalem. He also headed the executive training program for many years. In addition, he has been a visiting lecturer at Harvard University, the University of Florida, McGill University, and the People’s University of China. Prof. Ben Horin earned his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Business Administration, New York University, his MA in economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his BA in Social Sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Moshe Ben-Horin and Yoram Kroll, "IRR, NPV and PI: Reconciliation", Advances in Financial Education, (Fall 2010), Vol. 8, issues 1 & 2: (88-105).
Joseph Tzur and Moshe Ben-Horin, "A Note on the Present Value of a Loan", Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, Vol. 8 issue 1 (Fall 2012): 37-53.
Dr. Eyal Rechter is a researcher and organizational consultant. He specializes in motivation and feedback processes, evaluation and development of employees, and positive psychology applications in organizations. In addition,  Dr. Rechter has extensive experience consulting for measurement and evaluation processes in organizations. In the past, Dr. Rechter served as an economist in the budget department of the Interior Ministry.
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration Head of Organizational Behavior Research Department Faculty Seminar Coordinator
Pica, G., Milyavsky, M., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A. (2021). Epistemic Bases of Opinion and Choice Change: Joint Effects of Need for Cognitive Closure and of Ascribed Epistemic Authority. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(4-5), 690-702. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Milyavsky, M. & Kruglanski, A., Gelfand, M., Chernikova, M., Ellenberg, M., & Pierro, A. (2022) People Who Need People (and Some Who Think They Don’t): On Compensatory Personal and Social Means of Goal Pursuit. Psychological Inquiry, 33(1), 1-22. Impact Factor: 9.3.
Dr. Gil Avnimelech is a senior lecturer and the director of the entrepreneurship center at Ono Academic College. From 2021-2023 he was the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Between 2015 and 2020 he was the Vice Dean for Research. Dr. Avnimelech teaches entrepreneurship and innovation at Ono Academic College and Tel Aviv University. Dr. Avnimelech is one of the leading researchers of the Israeli innovative ecosystem. His research focuses on entrepreneurship, accelerators, open innovation, lean startup, venture capital, cluster development, and innovation policy. Gil has published over 30 articles in leading academic journals, over 15 chapters in academic books and received several research grants. Dr. Avnimelech is continually involved in the Israeli entrepreneurial ecosystem as a consultant, mentor, lecturer, and researcher. He also managed the StartOno accelerator for three cohorts. Before his academic position at Ono Academic College, Dr. Avnimelech worked with Prof. Maryann Feldman as a post-doctoral research associate at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Gil conducted his Ph.D. at the School of Management, Ben Gurion University. Gil has an MA thesis in Strategy and a BA in Economics from the Hebrew University.
Dr. Ornoy Hana is the Faculty of Business Administration Academic Director at Ono Campus Jerusalem ,Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) campuses and Haifa Campus (MBA). She is the Former substitute Dean of the School of Business and Head of Internship at the Jerusalem Academic Institute of the Lander Institute. Additionally, she is the Teaching coordinator in the MBA program at the Open University, and Senior Advisor to Organizations in International Management.
The relocation journey - a mission trip in a foreign culture. Rimonim. The Israeli Director in the Global World Volume One (of Asian and African Countries,2011) Volume Two (European Countries, 2015) Third Volume (American and Oceania Countries,2018). Rimonim.
Personality Types of Project Managers and their Success: A Field Survey. Project Management Journal.44(3)78-87,
Public Director of the company “Africa Residential,” a subsidiary of the Africa Israel Group, the largest residential construction company in Israel (2006-2012). Independent real estate entrepreneur – evacuation/construction projects in Jerusalem and Rehovot, residential real estate transactions, financial advice, and business development for retail and real estate companies. Previously, co-founder of “Academia” educational publishing, developing applications and content in e-learning, producing online courses that include teaching, practice, and final exams in a variety of courses in economics and computer science.
Marketing and economic consultant to many companies and organizations. Chief Financial Officer at Clementina design group. In charge of the physical and social budgets at the Jerusalem Municipality. Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance and Chairman of the State Audit Committee. Department of Banking Supervision, Economic and Statistical Survey.
Bar-Hillel, M., Budescu, D.V. & Amar, M. (2008) Predicting World Cup results: Do goals seem more likely when they pay off? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15(2), 278-283.
Amar Moty, Ariely Dan, Ayal Shahar, Cryder Cindy and Rick Scott. (2011), “Winning the Battle but Losing the War: The Psychology of Debt Management.” Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 38-50.
Since 10/17 – Academic Manager of the Faculty of Business Administration in Haifa.
Ruvio, A., Gavish, Y., & Shoham, A. (2013), “Consumer's Doppelganger: A Role Model Perspective on International Mimicry”, Journal of Consumer Behavior, 12(1), 60-69
Gavish, I., Gavish, Y. (2021). Using COVID-19 Symbols in Anti-Smoking Fear Appeal Advertisements for Encouraging Smoking Cessation among Israeli Smokers. International .Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20)
Gitit Gur Gershgoren performed as the Chief Economist and Director of the Economic Department of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Deputy Director of the Compensation Fund in Chief Scientist. Additionally, she served as a member of the Public Committee for the Study of Competitiveness in the Economy, the Committee for the Improvement of Trade and Liquidity on the Exchange, and the Inter-Ministry Committee for the Promotion of Investment in Public Companies operating in R&D.
Dror Y. Kenett, Tobias Preis, Gitit Gur-Gershgoren, Eshel Ben-Jacob (2012), Dependency Network and Node Influence: Application To the Study of Financial Markets, International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos 22(7), 1250181.
Dror Y. Kenett, Tobias Preis, Gitit Gur-Gershgoren, Eshel Ben-Jacob (2012), Quantifying Meta–Correlations In Financial Markets, Europhysics Letters 99, 38001.
Dr. Sarit Greiver is an esteemed Economics Lecturer.
Nurit Dabush is an accomplished individual who has been the Finance Director and worked with Bank Yahav, TransIsrael Road Corp., Ha’Meshakem One-Stop-Shop for Professional and Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Kesaria Foundation. In addition, she is a member of Public Committees: Committee on Drug Basket, Committee on the Selection of Independence Day Torch Lighting Candidates, Chairwoman of the Second Television and Radio Authority, Chairwoman of the Habima National Theater, spokeswoman and director of advertising and public relations of the Israel Soldier Association.
Miriam Dishon-Berkovits, Ph.D., is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College, Israel. She earned her Ph.D. in psychology at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and specialized in organizational, social, and cognitive psychology. She is the recipient of the prestigious Rothschild fellowship for post-doctoral research and did her post-doc at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University. Miriam has taught a wide range of courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels and is the academic coordinator of several courses. She has been appointed to various committees and has experience in the private sector. Miriam is a regular reviewer for organizational behavior and organizational psychology journals and conferences, for which she was awarded certificates of excellence. She is also a member of major professional/scientific international societies. Her current research interests focus on job resources and demands, work-family interface, organizational justice, burnout, motivation processes, goal attainment and goal setting, altruistic punishment, and artificial intelligence simulations of social phenomena. Miriam presents her research at numerous international conferences and meetings and publishes in refereed scientific journals. Miriam has extensive experience in communicating scientific psychological findings to the general audience. She was a project and science manager in a university company that developed psychology educational materials for high school students. Additionally, Miriam is the author of a widely cited psychology column in the popular Hebrew science magazine Galileo.  Miriam regularly volunteers in several school development activities in the community. Miriam is also the author of a bestselling children’s book.
In January 2018, Professor Hauser completed his position as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prof. Hauser’s tenure is characterized by activism, increased enforcement, and the opening of criminal proceedings against senior executives. Hauser holds a bachelor’s degree in statistics and economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1980) and a master’s degree in finance from the Hebrew University (1982). He received his doctorate from Temple University in Philadelphia in 1986. In 2005, Hauser was appointed full professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. From 1988 to 1987, Hauser worked as an economist at the Bank of Israel. From 2005 to 1989, he served as the Chief Economist of the Securities and Exchange Commission and was an active partner in designing all reforms in the capital market. He chaired two public committees named after him – the Commission for Regulating the Activities of Market Traders on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (2002) and the Committee for Minimizing Capital Market manipulation (2004). In addition, Hauser advised the Knesset Economics Committee, chaired by MK Moshe Kahlon, on bank fees (2007) and was a member of a public committee chaired by Professor Uriel Procaccia to regulate alternative trading arenas in the capital market (2001). In addition to his work at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Hauser has developed an academic career as a lecturer and researcher in the fields of business administration and the capital market. From 2001 to 1987, he served as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University’s School of Management. In addition, from 1995 to 1990, he served as a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s School of Management. Since 1995 he has been a member of the Faculty of Management at Ben Gurion University of the Negev: first, as a senior lecturer, then as an associate professor, and from 2005 as a full professor. In 2006 he was awarded the Ben-Gurion University Outstanding Scientist Award. In addition, Hauser has published dozens of research papers on the Israeli capital market, published in journals such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, and more. After leaving the Securities and Exchange Commission, Hauser founded and headed a capital market consulting firm, chaired a hundred-year-old genius for market making, chaired a venture capital firm, and was a director at Maalot – a publicly traded bond rating company. Hauser was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Business at the Ono Academic College while continuing his tenure as a full professor in the Faculty of Management at Ben-Gurion University. Additionally, Hauser served as a member of the Council for Higher Education from 2017-2012.
Brenner M., Eldor R. and S. Hauser, "The Price of Options Illiquidity", Journal of Finance 56(2), 2001, 791-807
Amihud Y., Hauser S. and A. Kirsh, "Adverse Selection and Cascades in IPOs: Evidence From Israel", Journal of Financial Economics 68(1), 2003, 137-158
Miriam Haran is the Principal Assistant Director of the Center for Applied Environmental Research at Hunter College, University of New York, United States. She has also been a researcher at universities and companies in Israel and worldwide, the Chairwoman of the Remco Green Fund Advisory Committee of the Remco Investment House, and Chief Scientist of the Venture Capital Fund: “TAMARIX.” Miriam Haran has been integral in developing solutions for the food, paper, textile, and microelectronics industries. Additionally, she’s the former CEO, VP of Industries, and Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Environment. In recent years, she has been a member of numerous committees on environmental issues, such as Chair of the Tel Aviv-Israel Partnership Environment Committee, a member of an expert committee on clean air law at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and a member of the Sustainability Project 2030 at the Israel Institute for Research. Dr. Miriam Haran is the Chairwoman of the Israeli Consumer Council, a member of the Board of Directors of the Technology Company of Ben Gurion University – BGN, the Jerusalem Institute of Israel Research, and the Director of the IDF. Director of the “Environmental Services Company.”
M. Nitay (Haran) and M. Rosenblum (1977), “Importance of Cationic Assistance in the Reaction of M 5(C6H5Fe(CO2)2) Salts with Epoxides”, Journal of Organo-Metallic Chemistry 136, C23.
M. Nitay (Haran), W. Priester and M. Rosenblum (1978), “Lithium Ion Promotion in the Synthesis of Novel Dinuclear Iron-Carbyne Complexes”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 100, 620.
Dr. Smadar Siev is a faculty member at the School of Business Administration at the Ono Academic College, teaches courses in the field of finance and accounting. Her main research areas are behavioral finance and behavioral economics. Her master’s and doctorate degrees are from the Department of Economics at Haifa University, and her B.Sc. in computer science at the Technion. Lecturer in undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Haifa since 2006. Before her academic career, she worked as a software engineer and senior analyst at a brokerage firm.
• Aharon, D. Y., & Siev, S. (2021). COVID-19, government interventions and emerging capital markets performance. Research in International Business and Finance, 58, 101492
• Siev, S. (2021). The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer: social media and the Post-IPO Behavior of Investors in Biotechnology Firms: The Relationship with Twitter Volume. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(10), 456.‏
Prof. Yaron Zelekha is currently the Director of Accountancy Studies at Ono Academic College. Over the past two decades, he has held other positions at Ono, including President of the Higher Academic Council, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, and Academic Director of the MBA Degree Program. He earned his Ph.D. in Macroeconomics at Bar-Ilan University. He is a prominent economist and accountant with extensive experience in academic teaching and in both business and public sectors. Prof. Zelekha has held a wide range of important positions in Israel, contributing greatly to the establishment of many of Israel’s infrastructural firms. From 2003 – 2007 Prof. Zelekha completed a full term as the Accountant General of the State of Israel. Prior to this, Prof. Zelekha was the Senior VP and CFO of Derech Eretz Highways, Israel’s first toll highway, during the critical years of its establishment. He was VP and CFO of Tevel Telecom in Israel’s first years of cable TV entering the telecommunication market and Head of Strategy and Business Planning at Partner Orange Telecommunications in the early years of cellular communication. While Benjamin Netanyahu was Prime Minister from 1996-1998, Prof. Zelekha served as his Director of the Economic Staff. Prof. Zelekha has published more than 40 articles in academic and professional journals worldwide. Before his term as Accountant General, he was chairman of the Board of Directors of M.I. Holdings and of Inbal Insurance and served on the Board of Directors of the Eilat Corp and The National Refineries. He also served as a Member of the Banks Commissioner Advisory Board, on the Banks Competition Committee as Chairman, Credit Card Competition Committee as Chairman, The Economic Organization’s Coordination Board as a Member of the Macro Economic Committee, The Israeli Airlines Privatization Committee as Coordinator, The Israeli E-Gov Committee and many other public committees.
Zelekha, Y., Yaakobi, E. and G. Avnimelech, 2018, "Attachment Orientations and Entrepreneurship", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, forthcoming.
Zelekha, Y., Avnimelech, G. and E. Sharabi, 2014, "The Effect of Religion on Entrepreneurship", Small Business Economics 42 (4), 747-767
Organizational consulting and development, research.
Mikulincer, M., Gillath, O., Sapir-Lavid, Y., Yaakobi, E., Arias, K., Tal-Aloni, L., & Bor, G. (2003). Attachment theory and concern for others' welfare: Evidence that activation of the sense of secure base promotes endorsement of self-transcendence values. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 25(4), 299-312.
Yaakobi, E. (2012). Interaction with children as a means of coping with the fear of death among elderly people. Gerontology: Journal of Aging Studies. 77-94.
Financial Advisor, Member, Investment Committee, and Board of Directors of Pension Fund and Entrepreneur in start-ups. Previously: Director of economic units in the Quarrying Authority, Treasurer, and economic manager of Kibbutz Shefayim. Director of Collective Companies, Chairman. CEO and director of financial and industrial bodies. Chairman of the CRA’s Certification Committee.
Kroll Y. and S. Shoukair (2013) "The Factors for Dutch Disease in the Palestinian Economy." International Journal of Business & Economic Development 1, 75-93.
Ben Horin M. and Y. Kroll (2013) "Performance Measurement of Portfolios and the Return to Investors." (Hebrew). The Accountant, December, 60-69.
Prof. Tayla Miron-Shatz is a social psychologist specializing in medical decision-making and digital health. She has extensive experience in the fields of research and teaching in the academy as well as in industry – consulting for pharma companies, advertising agencies specializing in health, start-ups, and healthcare corporations. Prof. Miron-Shatz has over sixty academic publications on medical decision-making and happiness. She taught consumer behavior at the Wharton Business School (ranked number one in the world, 2011 – 2008). She is a Full Professor at the Ono Academic College and a Visiting Researcher at the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge. Her book, Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices about Your Health, was published by Basic Books in 2021. Her personal website is: https://www.talyamironshatz.com
Miron-Shatz, T., Bhargave, R., & Doniger, G. M. (2015). Milestone Age Affects the Role of Health and Emotions in Life Satisfaction: A Preliminary Inquiry. PloS one, 10(8), e0133254.
Konheim‐Kalkstein, Y. L., Whyte, R., Miron‐Shatz, T., & Stellmack, M. A. (2015). What are VBAC Women Seeking and Sharing? A Content Analysis of Online Discussion Boards. Birth, 42(3), 277-282.
Management consulting and training in dozens of companies in Israel and around the world, including Google, IBM, the Bank of Israel, Melnox, Pitango, Marvel, National Bank, HP, Amdocs, and Indigo. Visiting lecturer at Northwestern University. Previously, he served as head of the M.B.A. program for administrators at the Hebrew University and Ono Academic College.
Tenbrunsel A.E., Brett J.M., Maoz E., Stroh L.K., and Reily A.H., (1995). “Dynamic and Static Work-Family Relationships”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63 (3), 233-246.
Maoz E., and Tybout A.M. (2002), “The Moderating Role of Involvement and Differentiation in the Evaluation of Brand Extensions”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(2), 119-131.
Eilam-Shamir, G. (2009) Job insecurity in a period of organizational downsizing and its managerial implications. In Yaakobi, E. & Eilam-Shamir, G. (Eds.), Management in Times of Uncertainty. Ono College. pp. 65-178. (In Hebrew). Bruch, H., Shamir, B.,
Eilam Shamir, G. & Yaakobi, E. (2009) Management under Uncertainty, Ono Academic College
Arie Fouren received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Technion, Haifa — Israel’s leading technological university. Since 2001 he has taught in the Faculty of Business Administration and in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Ono Academic College, Israel. Dr. Fouren’s research interests are distributed algorithms and fault-tolerant computing. He has published in leading journals, including the Journal of the ACM, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Distributed Computing, and SIAM Journal on Computing. He has presented his research at international conferences, including the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), the International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), and the International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS). Dr. Fouren served as a Journal Reviewer for The Journal of Distributed Computing and for The Journal of Association of Computer Machinery (ACM). He has received three Ono Academic College awards for teaching excellence and Best Student Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC2000), Toledo, Spain.
H. Attiya and A. Fouren: “Adaptive and Efficient Wait-Free Algorithms for Lattice Agreement and Renaming,'' Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1998.
Y. Afek, H. Attiya, A. Fouren, G. Stupp and D. Touitou: “Long-Lived Renaming Made Adaptive,'' Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1999.
Initiated and established the Amex-Interdisciplinary Center Club. Dr. Zellermayer established and supported the Zoom Institute for Market Research. Serves as director and head of financial reports and audits at Delek Automotive Systems, Ford Importer, Mazda, and BMW. Served as Head of Marketing Strategy at the Israeli Democracy Institute and Academic Chair of Automotive and Experience Marketing conferences. He has served as a judge at the Effie Awards competition promoting marketing and advertising, the Best Product of the Year Competition, and the Super-Brands competition.
Vice Dean, lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Business Administration and head of the Cyber Risk Management Research Institute at Ono Academic College. Researcher in the field of law and technology, cyber regulation, cognitive biases and behavioral ethics. In addition, she is a partner in the INTACT company specializing in cyber crisis management and corporate regulation in the cyber field. She is currently a member of the management forum for cyber crises and understanding regulation on the board of directors. Active in influential forums, conferences and committees in the field of cyber and privacy policy. Formerly a senior officer in the prosecution unit of the Israel Police – Lahav 433.
Dr. Michal Shapira ( Ph.D.) is the director of the marketing and digital school at Ono Academic College. Dr. Shapira earned her Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in social work from Tel Aviv University (graduating Magna Cum Laude). He then completed a master’s in management (MSc.) at Tel Aviv University (Magna Cum Laude). She earned her. Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the faculty of social sciences in Tel Aviv University and then completed her Post Doc. At the marketing department ‘ at the faculty of business administration at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on selective attention implementations in marketing and attitude change , social networks, and communication. Dr. Shapira has extensive experience in development and training programs in leading firms and is continuously involved in the marketing, communication, and digital industry, judging in prestigious competitions designed to promote the professional standard in the industry and participating in professional conferences , panels, and discussions in the fields of marketing, communication and digital transformation. Dr. Shapira serves as a member at the board of directors and as a consultant in several organizations and involved in forums, conferences, and committees in the media, digital, and marketing industries. She also serves as Chairperson of the Committee for the Translation of Terms of marketing and Digital at the Academy of Language. Until 2021 , Michal served as a member at the board of directors at the second authority of television and radio. She served as the chairman of the Radio Committee at the Board of Directors of the Authority. Before she served as the chairperson of the Research and Multiculturalism Committee. She was also a member at the T.V Committee, the Committee for the Recruitment of Directors of the News Television Companies, and the Committee for the of the Representation of Women in the Media. Michal served as VP and director of strategic planning and research at leading advertising agencies
Dr. Shalit possesses more than 30 years of experience in organizational consulting for large and small organizations, start-ups, and veterans in the private, public, military, and security sectors. He specializes in personal consulting and management of development programs and is the owner of Dingo Strategic Consulting. Dr. Shalit engages in teaching and consulting in the areas of business strategy, strategic processes, and effective leadership of organizational changes.
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., Shalit, B. (1992). A field study of employees’ attitudes and behavior after promotion decisions, Journal of Applied Psychology, 77 (4), 511-514.
Owner of an accounting firm specializing in corporate and non-profit auditing, financial consulting, tax planning, and business mediation. Previously, Shlomo Raani was the CPA and chair of the fund for financing traffic accident prevention activities at the Ministry of Transport.
Arie Jacobi is an assistant professor in the faculty of Business Administration at the Ono Academic College and Peres Academic Center in Israel. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science, Mathematics, and History of Art from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1985 – Cum laude). He received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1988 – Magna cum laude), specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1995), specializing in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and approximation methods. Dr. Jacobi is a researcher in mathematical modeling, Healthcare Information Systems, Social Networks, and Approximation Theory. His academic experience enables him to conduct interdisciplinary research by integrating tools from various areas, such as Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, data science, and multi-dimensional data visualization technologies. He applies these tools to other fields that need advanced mathematical modeling and solutions, such as Finance and Healthcare and Medical Informatics. As part of his academic work, Dr. Jacobi has been published in well-established journals and is involved in international research collaborations.
Bercovier, M. & Jacobi, A.1992, Approximation and/or Construction of Curves by Minimization Methods with or without Constraints. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 211-232.
Bercovier, M. & Jacobi, A. 1994, Minimization, Constraints and Composite Bézier Curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 11., pp. 533-563.
Ronen Kleinman has been a manager in the professional department of the E&Y firm, an accounting lecturer, and a recipient of a gold medal from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants after passing the advanced financial council test.
Dr. Guy Adoram is an expert in entrepreneurship, marketing and business strategy. He works as an independent business consultant specializing in diagnosing problems, providing solutions, training and implementation of marketing, entrepreneurship, business strategy and sales action plans. Dr. Adoram has worked as the Marketing Manager for Maccabi Health Services and Marketing Director in the Quality and Certification Division of the Israeli Standards Institute.  Prof. Adoram has taught at Israel’s Open University – MBA Program in the Department of Management and Economics.
Adoram, G. (2009). Cultural differences of Entrepreneurship Myopia, Conference book, Culture of Business – Capital of Culture.
Adoram, G. (2011). Entrepreneurship and the value chain: importance, risks and suggestions. Advances in Management.‏
Shachar Erllich has served as the VP of Marketing & Business Development at a leading healthcare organization. He has extensive experience in formulating marketing strategies in organizations from the health and pharmaceutical industries.
Dr. Dina Nir specializes in organizational consulting and leading change processes in organizations. She delivers lectures and workshops to companies and the general public on topics such as the science of happiness and personal and organizational prosperity. She was formerly the director of marketing and business development at Medic Corporation.
Kluger, A. N., Nir, D., & Kluger, Y. (2008). Personal Position Repertoire (PPR) from a bird's eye view. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 21, 223-238.
Kluger, A. N., & Nir, D. (2010). Feedforward First, Feedback Later. Human Resource Management Review, 20 (3), 235–246.
Dr. Sharbel Shoukair is Vice President of Sectoral Development at Ono Academic College. The position includes developing new degrees and initiating curricula and new tracks of study. In addition, he serves as Deputy Dean of the Humanities, which includes responsibility for faculty budgets, absorption of new faculty, and agreements. Previously, Dr. Shoukair served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and as Head of the Finance and Capital Markets specialization in undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Shoukair, S. (2007). Fundamentals of Finance, First Edition. Published by the Ono Academic College.
Shoukair, S.. (2008). Fundamentals of Finance, Extended Second Edition. Published by the Ono Academic College.
Dr. Iyad Suleiman is a researcher in Data Mining and Computational Machine Learning. He focuses on predicting future events, student success in studies, and the effects of sociocultural data on learning achievements and adaptive learning. In addition, Suleiman is interested in social network analysis and data science. He completed his doctorate in 2013 at the University of Bradford in England under Prof. Mick Ridley of the University of Bradford and Prof. Reda Alhaj of Calgary University of Canada. He founded a start-up in the Ofek technology incubator in Migdal Haemek and then managed a software development company. In earlier years, Suleiman worked as a programmer at several software companies. He also studied and achieved a Master’s Degree in Middle Eastern History at the University of Haifa and worked as a teaching assistant in the department.
Suleiman I., Arslan M. (2013). Integrating Genetic Algorithm into the Development of Computerized Play-Based Assessment tool for School Readiness. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 82. 852 – 857.
Suleiman I., Arslan M., Alhajj, R., & Ridley, M. (2015). Implementation of a modified multi objective optimization GA algorithm in a Stealth Assessment for School Readiness. AACE - Global Learn 2015, Berlin.
Sara Tilleman is the English Studies Coordinator at Ono Academic College.
Adv. Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin focuses on the private sector and NGOs. She is the Vice President of the Manufacturers Association (Small and Medium Businesses), Chairman of Tavlit Plastic, and director of various other companies. She is a strategic consultant in the fields of corporate governance, regulation, and business continuity. Nahmias-Verbin has been a lecturer at the Lahav Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University since 2005. Nahmias-Verbin has extensive managerial experience as a member of boards of directors, chairman of board committees, and expert in regulation and corporate governance. Adv. Nahmias-Verbin served as a member of the Knesset for the Zionist Union and the Labor Party between 2015 and 2019. There she served as a member of the Economic, Foreign Security, Knesset, and Child Rights Committees. Among her other activities, she headed the Industry Lobby and the Israel-Greece Friendship Lobby.
Yarden Vatikay is a lecturer in communications and using information as a tool for building national resilience and personal security. Vatikay recently completed his tenure as head of the National Information Office at the Prime Minister’s Office, where he served from 2008-2019. He joined the firm “Benyahu Consulting and Strategy Ltd.” Serving as the strategic advisor of Avi Benayahu, former IDF spokesman and commander of IDF Radio. From 2003 to 2008, Vatikay served as Director of Communications and Information of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization. From 2001 to 2002, he worked as Communications Adviser to the Minister of Defense. Between 1996 and 2001, he served as IDF Spokesman, and between 1995 and 1996, he was assistant to the Prime Minister’s Communications Adviser. Vatikay was the winner of the “Roaring Lion” Public Relations Award 2013 for the explanatory assessments of President Obama’s visit to Israel. In 2007, he won the “Roaring Lion” PR Association Award for Campaign of the Year.
Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Zvika Tessler is a lecturer in the course “Introduction to National Resilience.” In addition, he served as the Director of a philanthropic project to establish “homes for life” for people with disabilities and as the director of two companies. Tessler was VP of Human Resources in the Yavneh Business, Hapoel Mizrahi Group for Cooperative Settlement Ltd. Tessler was discharged from the IDF with the rank of brigadier general after completing a variety of positions: Chief of Staff of the Home Front Command; Commander of the Dan District in the Home Front Command; Commander of a battalion commander course; Head of the Defense Department at Air Force Headquarters; Commander of Operational Squadrons and Training Squadron in the Air Force; and a helicopter pilot. In the Israel Police, he served as Director of the Department of Planning and Organization and retired with the rank of Deputy Commissioner.
Dr. Tal Israel is a lecturer in communication and the process of using information as a tool for building national resilience and personal security. He has served as a lecturer in Communication at Ariel University since 2013. In addition, between 2013 and 2015, Israel was a Research Fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University. In 2019, Dr. Israel served as the spokesman for the Jerusalem Municipality and Director of Spokespersons, Marketing and Information. In addition, he was the Director of Spokespersons and Customer Service for Israel Railways from 2014 to 2019. Furthermore, he was the Head of the Public Relations Division in the IDF Spokesman’s Division from 2010 to 2014. Additionally, between 2001 and 2010, he was the Israeli Air Force (IAF) spokesman.
Since 2008, Dr. Yariv Sagi has worked in planning public policy and offering strategic political consulting, mainly at local government level, for government organizations, and the third sector. In addition, he served as a facilitator of civic empowerment processes in the community and a researcher in the field of behavioral policy. Sagi is a Public Policy and Public Administration Doctor from the School of Public Policy and Government, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Dr. Yosef Ben specializes in national and organizational resilience. He is a sociologist, group facilitator, and senior organizational consultant. Dr. Ben teaches in the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College as well as in the MA program for organizational consulting at the University of Haifa and the MA program for disaster management at Tel Aviv University. He is a partner in leading research teams in the field of resilience (Israel 2048), coordinates the field of community and volunteering in the “Essence of Israel” organization that promotes resilience and assessments of emergencies. Dr. Ben is a senior officer in the reserves in the IDF’s Home Front Command’s population system. He is a member of the Board of the National Emergency Knowledge and Research Center at the University of Haifa. Dr. Ben has experience in emergency management as a former local authority chief of staff and as part of international aid delegations.
Maj. Gen. (ret.) Alon Levavi serves as the Head of Specialization, National and Organizational Resilience in the Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Levavi is the Founder and CEO of Next-Now (ltd) – Strategic consulting and entrepreneurship. Levavi served as a combat helicopter pilot in the Israel Air Force and later served in the Israel National Police for a total of 34 years in a variety of senior management and command positions. He ended his service with the police in 2019 as Deputy Commissioner. Among other duties, he served as chief of operations, chief of policing, district deputy, police spokesman, police sub-district commander, and police station commander. Levavi is a graduate of the FBI Crisis Negotiation Course and the Wexner Foundation’s senior program at the Kennedy School of Government-Harvard University.
Oved Yehezkehel is a Lecturer in National Resilience. He teaches the course “Planning and Regulation.” Yehezkehel serves as the Chairman of the Tara Corporation, a regulatory-governmental consulting firm. He also serves as a lecturer at the School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya and has taught at the School of Public Policy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the IDF National Security College. Oved Yehezkehel served as the 31st Secretary of the Government of Israel. Yehezkehel has many years of experience in the fields of government and regulation. In municipal government, he worked for 14 years in the Jerusalem Municipality, of which he spent about a decade in the mayor’s office. Nationally, Yehezkehel served in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, and the Prime Minister’s Office. He also served as a board member in public and business corporations and as a member of government committees. Yehezkehel serves as Lt. Col. (res.) in Unit 8200.
Ron Tzur is a Lecturer in the National Resilience program. He studies national resilience as an engine of economic growth. Tzur serves as CEO and owner of Sparks Consulting Group. He is an expert in managing and leading strategic changes. Prior to his current position, he served as CEO and partner of the consulting company Pareto Group. He has held key positions in the Atomic Energy Committee as head of the executive unit and senior vice president. Based on his extensive and unique experience, Ron has developed unique models for designing and implementing strategy for companies, large organizations, and public systems. In addition, he developed methods for leading change and ensuring operational capability for strategy implementation. Tzur is the author of the book “Sparks of Opportunity.”
Major General (Ret.) Gila Gaziel is a guest lecturer in the National Resilience program focusing on Israel’s multicultural society. She specializes in national and organizational resilience. Gaziel enlisted in the Israel Police in 1987 as a welfare officer and held many positions in the Human Resources Division. In 1998, she was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was then appointed the head of the Retirement and Injury Division in the Individual Department. She later served as the head of the recruitment bureau and head of the promotion and placement of officers. In 2006, she was appointed head of the Border Guard’s Human Resources Department with the rank of Deputy Chief of Staff. In 2007, she was appointed Head of the Individual Officers Department in the Human Resources Division. In 2011, she was appointed deputy head of the division. In 2015, she was appointed head of the Human Resources Division of the Israel Police and was promoted to the rank of Major General. At the same time, she was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the “Police Funds” company.
Dr. Iris Gavish is a Lecturer in the fields of statistics and probability and a faculty member in the Faculty of Business Administration. She was formerly an economist at Delta Carmiel and later the deputy head of the economics department at the company’s lingerie division.
The 23rd International Conference on Environmental Indicators at Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa, Israel
The 2nd Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE
Col. (Res.) Royee Beary is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration, specializing in national and organizational resilience. He teaches the course Introduction to National Resilience. In his last position in the Israel Defense Forces, he served as commander of the Southern District in the Home Front Command.
Dr. Yael Shani-Feinstein is a lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration at the Ono Academic Campus and a researcher in the field of decision-making, consumer behavior, and the value of customer experience. In addition, Dr. Shani-Feinstein has worked as a consultant in the field of customer management processes and information systems.
Gavious, Arieh, Shlomo Mizrahi, Yael Shani, and Yizhaq Minchuk. "The Costs of Industrial Accidents for the Organization: Developing Methods and Tools for Evaluation and Cost–Benefit Analysis of Investment in Safety." Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22, no. 4 (2009): 434-438.
Kyung, Ellie J.,* Yael Shani-Feinstein,* and Jacob Goldenberg, “Speeding Away from the Here and Now: Velocity and Mental Representation,” Status: Under revision (for 3rd round review), Journal of Consumer Research. * Denotes joint first authorship.
Dr. Nadav Shir is a senior lecturer and researcher in the Faculty of Business Administration at the Ono Academic Campus. Senior researcher in the fields of entrepreneurship, human welfare and mental health, organizational consultant in innovation management and entrepreneurship in all areas of society, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Hanken School of Economics (Hanken), KonstFack, and others. Published in top magazines in entrepreneurship, management, and business. In addition, he serves as a member editor of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice magazine and has organized international conferences and workshops in the fields of entrepreneurship and mental health. In 2019 he also served as a guest editor for a special and first-of-its-kind issue in the world on entrepreneurship and welfare in the Journal of Business Venturing. Following these studies, Forbes magazine highlighted Nadav’s research in 2019 in a directed article, and in 2020 the Financial Times rated his research on entrepreneurship and human well-being as a world-leading example of research with great social impact.
Pokidko. D., Saade. P., and Shir. N., (2020) Experiential Pattern Matching Teaching Method for Introductory Venture Creation Courses. Journal Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy.
Wiklund, J., Nikolaev, B., Shir, N., Foo, M. D., and Bradley, S. W., (2019). Entrepreneurship & Well-Being: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Business Venturing.
Dr. Yonatan Bezalel began his career as a student at the Bank of Israel and, from there, moved to the private market as an economics and purchasing analyst at Intel. He has been in public service since 2008, initially as a senior economist in the budget division of the Ministry of Health and since 2010 in several senior positions in the Ministry of Finance – the Accountant General’s Division. In 2020-2021, he served as CFO of the Government Tourism Company (HMAT). He is currently a senior deputy accountant in the Prime Minister’s Office and the CFO of several ministries and trust units, including the National Security Headquarters, the Economic Council, the Ministry of Intelligence, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, the Ministry of Diaspora, the Ministry of Settlement and the National Civil Service Authority.
Keynote speaker at the EEA (European Economic Association) conference, Manchester (UK), August (2019), “Monetary pledges and meaning”.
Keynote speaker at the APET (Association of Public Economic Theory) conference, Strasbourg (France), July 2019, “The search for meaning in crowdfunding”.
Dr. David Yechiam Aharon holds the position of senior researcher and lecturer at Ono Academic College. Within the institution, he serves as the deputy head of the finance specialization for both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Additionally, he is responsible for overseeing the research budget for faculty members in the Faculty of Business Administration and instructs courses in finance and research methods. Dr. Aharon’s research pursuits are centered on comprehending the structure and operations of financial markets, examining the efficiency of capital markets, exploring alternative investment strategies, and studying investor behavior. His contributions to the field are reflected in numerous publications in renowned international journals specializing in economics and finance, which include the Journal of Portfolio Management, Finance Research Letters, Energy Economics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis, among others.
"Asymmetric volatility in the cryptocurrency market: New evidence from models with structural breaks?", International Review of Financial Analysis, Accepted.
"Oil Price Shocks and Inflation: A Cross-National Examination in the ASEAN5+3 Countries", Resources Policy, Accepted.
EDUCATION: B.Sc. – Industrial engineering and management, Jerusalem College of engineering, average 89. Network designing course in John Brice. SEO and Internet marketing course, at John Bryce.  JOBS: 2017 – Now: Mentoring at Atobe accelerator in Azrieli College for engineering. 2015 – Now: co-founder at pinetree.marketing – SEO services 2011-Now: Digital marketing lecturer: Lecturing in Ono Academy, Azrieli College of engineering, I.D.C Herzliya, Hadassah college, Hackeru, Mati digital, private colleges and organizations. 2008 – Now: Owner and CEO at Hayde Digital LTD – SEO digital agency. Content, SEO and SEM services,  B2B marketing and Linkedin campaigns. I also help and mentor students using Linkedin to manage their career and build their digital presence. 2004-2005: Unit head in a Jewish reform camp in Massachusetts, USA. In charge of 100 campers and 50 counselors. 1998-2004: I.D.F, Captain in C4I Corps – Signal Corps 1993-1995: T.V host of youth programs. 1990-1996: Journalist in newspapers.
PhD in urban planning from the Technion, architect and urban planner. Also holds a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University, USA. Currently a faculty member at the School of Real Estate, in the Faculty of Public Administration at the Ono Academy, and also consulting and in private planning firm. She has about 29 years of experience, in a series of positions in the public sector, In the local government and government, including the Tel Aviv district planner, Petah Tikva city engineer and more. Specializing in urban renewal policy, preparing programs for public needs, various statutory consulting, providing professional opinions, etc. She also manages teams of professional workers in local committees.
Lecturer in the field of economics and finance, and in the field of education economics at several academic institutions (Ben Gurion University, Baca College)
The economy of the Arab society in Israel (publication in Arabic) in 2012
Israel's economy (published in Arabic) in 2005

Faculty of Science and Technology

Tsipi Heart acquired her Ph.D. at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, her MBA from Tel-Aviv University, and her B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. After serving as CIO at local and international hotel chains for nearly fifteen years, Prof. Heart has worked as a consultant on information technology strategy, implementation, and use, as well as software quality assurance and software process improvement. Among her customers were the Israeli Chemical Industries (ICL), El-Al, and EDS Israel. After spending two years at University College Cork, Ireland, she held a lecturer and researcher position at the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. As of 2012, Prof. Heart serves as a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Business Administration, Ono Academic College. She became head of the information systems program and then Head of the School of Computer Science and Information Systems in 2019. Her research interests include data analytics in general, and in the healthcare industry in particular, information systems strategy, adoption, and implementation, technological innovation in general, and Software as a Service (SaaS) in particular, and information systems implementation and use in healthcare. Prof. Heart has presented academic papers at numerous conferences, including the prestigious European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) and the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Her publications appear in various academic journals, such as The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Health Policy and Technology, The Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, Patient Education and Counseling (PEC), International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI), the Medical Decision Making (MDM), Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, among others.
Hassid, S. Heart T., Reychav, I., Pliskin J., and Reis S., 2013, " Existing instruments for assessing physician communication skills: Are they valid in a computerized setting?", Patient Education and Counseling (PEC), Volume 93, Issue 3, Pages 363–366. (I.F – 2.6).
Israeli E., Ribak D., Heart T., 2015, “Evaluating the Feasibility of Using Tablets in Emergency Departments”, the International Journal of of Networking and Virtual Organizations (IJNVO, IF=0.5) Volume 16, Issue 2, pp. 124-142
Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College, and the School of Science & Technology . The faculty is the largest in Israel with more than 5,000 students and about 500 lecturers. Served as a full professor at the faculty of engineering, in Ben-Gurion University. Professional skills are in the field of conflict and risk modeling with application to a variety of problems in economic, business, politics, and technology.
To Profile or Not?, Risk Analysis, June, 2023, pp. 1-16
Analysis of the SOX Ban on Non-Audit Services from an Auction Model Perspective, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, August 2019, pp. 1-14.
Mr. Altal is an expert in ethical hacking and software security architecture and development and provides information security consulting services to international clients. He has decades of experience in the cyber field and numerous ethical hacking exercises, penetration testing, and forensics examinations for leading companies and governmental offices around the globe. He lectured and briefed heads of Information security and high-ranking military personnel, sat on numerous committees in the Israeli parliament (the Knesset) as an information security advisor for the Darknet, and was a speaker at several internal conventions. Mr. Altal is also a senior researcher for various Security Institutions, providing security consulting services for challenging companies around the globe in the following industries: Transport, Banking, E-commerce, Medical, Telecommunications, and government.
Rami Tamam holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Tel Aviv University and a Master’s Degree in Law from Bar Ilan University and has been accepted by the Israel Bar Association for many years. Rami served as a senior officer in the Israel Police in various positions in Lahav 433, spearheading investigations as joint task force commander with the Police, the State Attorney’s Office, the Tax Authority, and the Prohibition on Money Laundering Authority. Rami is a certified cyber and computer forensics investigator for the Israel Police and other organizations. He commanded the Police Forensic Investigators’ Course and conducted various computer investigations. Currently, Rami is the director of an MBA course majoring in cyber forensics and security at Ono Academic College and teaches cyber and money laundering law in various academic institutions in Israel and to different authorities worldwide. As Unit Leader, Rami led investigations of financial cases, public corruption, and cyber and online gambling that were the focus of public interest in Israel and abroad, including investigations of prime ministers, ministers, and other officials, the Ashdod Port case, and international crime organizations. These investigations were supported by the State Attorney, the Attorney General, and various senior prosecutors. Rami directed precedent regulatory processes, including blocking illegal gambling websites and “blacklists” of bank accounts. These days, Rami provides his extensive knowledge, experience, and skills to public and private sector clients. Rami is a guest lecturer at the Hebrew University and a part-time teacher at Sapir Academic College and the Ono Academic College on money laundering and cyber and currently manages the cyber course of the MBA degree of the Ono Academic College. Rami has recently finished composing a joint project with senior economists from Harvard and MIT: the Parliamentary Investigation Committee Report on Credit Extension to Tycoons – Kabel Committee. He had previously chaired the Meuhedet HMO investigation committee and provided opinions on corporate office holders’ offenses in various companies in the Israeli market.
Kobi Pinto, Deputy CISO at Bank Hapoalim and Head of Cyber GRC, with over 20 years of experience in the cybersecurity and IT field. Kobi has served as the head of cyber defense and team leader in the IT Audit department at Bank Hapoalim and is recognized as one of the most experienced information security professionals in the financial field in Israel. In his various roles, he partnered to outline the methodologies and technological tools used by the Bank to comply with the various regulations and secure the information of its customers. In addition, he has led many projects in those fields of expertise. Kobi holds several prestigious certifications, among them: CISSP, CISO, CDPSE, and CRISC, as well as a MA in Law from Bar Ilan University.
Adv. Yuval Sasson is a partner in Meitar | Law Offices, Israel’s leading international law firm; he is a partner at the firm’s Commercial and Litigation Groups. In addition, Yuval also heads the firm’s Homeland Security, Cyber, Defense, and Aerospace (Aviation Law) team and has expertise in international compliance regimes such as import/export regulation, anti-money laundering (AML) regulation, cyber resilience, Cyber Incident Response and regulation regarding corrupt foreign practices (FCPA and its Israeli analog) as well as litigation in such matters. As part of his practice, Yuval advises clients in the course of criminal investigations and in connection with white-collar offenses, including defense offenses, corruption, money laundering, securities-related offenses, antitrust, extraditions, and management responsibility. Yuval also represents technology companies engaged in developing offensive or defensive cyber platforms and is fully acquainted with the technological background of these industries. In addition, Yuval advises companies regularly on cyber resilience and Cyber Incident Response, particularly the management of cyber incidents. As a former Deputy to Israel’s State Attorney, Yuval gained extensive experience handling high-profile cases involving sensitive security matters. In addition, Yuval is a well-known lecturer and commentator on legal and commercial issues related to cyber, compliance, defense, homeland security, aerospace, and military operations. Yuval also regularly advises governmental bodies and agencies on international public law matters.
Gal Avraham’s employment experience includes leading positions at NSO Group, Salesforce, IBM, HP  software, and Veolia Environment, as well as entrepreneurship.
Dr. Michael Tivin (Doctorate in Business Development and Innovation),  Principal Engineering and Innovation manager at Cisco Israel. Advisory Board member at two Israeli Startups (in HRTech and Gaming areas), Member of the innovation board at IDU (Israeli Director Union), and Member of the Innovation and Startup boards a the Israeli Chamber of Information Technology. Business and Entrepreneurship mentor at 8200 Impact social accelerator.
Prof. Ben-Assuli is Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College in Bio-Informatics, Data Mining, Health Analytics, Information Systems and Information Systems Policy, and Business-technology consultant for managing and operating technological systems. He is currently the chair of the Israel Association for Information Systems (ILAIS), a Chapter of the Association for Information Systems. He has been published in well-established journals, including MIS Quarterly, European Journal of Information Systems, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Health Policy, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making and the Journal of Medical Systems. Additionally, he serves as the Editorial Board Associate Editor at several journals, including Health Policy and Technology journal. Prof. Ben-Assuli has been awarded several international and Israeli grants for his research. He received funding from the U.S. – Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF), the National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research (NIHP), the Chief Scientist Office of the Ministry of Health, among others. and more. Prof. Ben-Assuli has also been awarded several prizes for excellence in research, including the best paper of the year in Decision Sciences journal. In the past, he developed Information Systems for MLL and worked in various technical positions at the computer communications company Rad-Binat, among other roles.
Lecturer and researcher in Machine Learning and Data Science. Extensive experience as a system analyst and project manager in computing and data mining. She was the head of Data Mining at the Clalit Research Institute and participated in research projects in preventive healthcare at Clalit Health Services.
Goldman, O., Ben-Assuli, O., Rogowski, O., Zeltser, D., Shapira, I., Berliner, S., Zelber-Sagi, S., Shenhar-Tsarfaty, S., (2021), Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver and Liver Fibrosis Predictive Analytics: Risk Prediction and Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Preventive Medicine, Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 45, paper 22, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-020-01693-5 (IF=3.058; Health Care Sciences & Services 23/102; Q1).
Goldman, O., Raphaeli, O., Goldman, E., Leshno, M., (2021), Improvement in the prediction of coronary heart disease risk by using artificial neural networks, Quality Management in Health Care. Oct-Dec 01;30(4):244-250.
Eitan is a global leader in cyber security. In his 15 years of experience in information security, Eitan served in several senior positions, lectured worldwide, and served as an adviser at a number of startups. Eitan has vast experience in cyber security, risk management, program management, development, and security implementation in large organizations and online companies. He is currently the VP of security at Melio, a fintech company that allows small businesses to manage their business-to-business payments and receivables digitally.
Raz Heiferman is a Senior Digital Transformation Advisor at BDO Israel and director of BDO Digital. Before this, he was a Digital Transformation Advisor at i8 Ventures and Be-Digital consulting firms; Acting Government CIO and Manager of the Shared Services Division at the Israel Prime Minister’s CIO Office; CIO at Direct Insurance, Bezeq, and Optrotech. Raz Heiferman teaches graduate-level business and digital transformation courses at several Israeli academic institutions. He authored seven textbooks and many articles published by Israeli professional magazines. His last book, “Doing Digital – Digital Transformation: Background, Theory and Practice,” was co-authored with Prof. Yesha Sivan in digital format in Hebrew in 2018. Furthermore, Raz is a member of the Presidium Israeli Information Technology Chamber and a member of the board of directors at Menora – Mivtachim Insurance, one of the top 5 largest insurance companies in Israel.
Avi Mazor is the director of a China-based Diadem company, which initiates and manages projects in China with the participation of foreign and Chinese companies and the mentorship of entrepreneurs and startups. Prior to this, he worked as a Managing Partner at Telesoft Partners Venture Capital, Silicon Valley, USA; Managing Director at Motorola Ventures – Motorola USA’s international investment arm; Authorized Contractor of the World Bank-USA; VP of Investments at Aura Investments -Israel; Director of Investment and Business Development at RDC – Israel, and senior researcher at RAFAEL.
A. Ben Mizrachi and D.J. Bergman,1981, "Non-Universal Critical Behavior of Random Resistor Networks with a Singular Distribution of Conductance”, J. Phys. C : Solid State Physc. 14, 909
A. Ben-Mizrachi and I. Procaccia, 1983, " Microscopic Derivation of Non-Linear Hydrodynamics in Ordered Systems with Applications to Nematic Liquid Crystals", Phy. Rev. A 27, 2126
Prof. Amnon Meisels has been a faculty member of the Department of Computer Science at Ben-Gurion University for 35 years, dating back to when it was still the Mathematics & Computer Science Dept. He served as head of the Computer Science Department., shortly after it was formed, from 2004 to 2006. He founded the Software Engineering program in 2000 and served as its head until 2004. SE is a 4-year joint program of the Dept. of Computer Science of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Department of Information Systems Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. His main field of research centers on the distributed search for constrained optimization and on network-based games that resemble asymmetric distributed constraints optimization problems (ADCOPs) in general. His book “Distributed Search by Constrained Agents” was published by Springer Verlag in January 2008. Prof. Meisels has served and continues to serve on the program committees of all major AI conferences that deal with constraints-based reasoning over the last 20 years. In the last seven years, his group pioneered a major effort to investigate models for self-interested agents in Distributed Constrained Search. This research produced several groundbreaking papers. Two recent examples are the “Incentive-based search for efficient equilibria of the public goods game” (Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2018) and the “Incentive-based search for equilibria in Boolean games” (Constraints, 2019). In addition, an innovative search algorithm for finding efficient pure Nash equilibria in general multi-agent games was presented at the 24th International Conference on Constraints Processing (CP-2018). These palettes of algorithms and results have served as a basis for a joint research & development project financed by the Israeli Innovation Authority to design and produce a multi-agent system for managing the operating rooms at Soroka Medical Center in 2019-2021. Prof. Amnon Meisels has published over 140 scientific papers across all primary AI Journals, such as AI Journal, JAIR, Constraints, JAAMAS, and in all major related conferences – IJCAI, AAAI, CP, AAMAS, and more. Over the years, he instructed close to 40 graduate students for 2nd and 3rd degrees at the Computer Science Department at BGU. Over the last 20 years, Prof. Meisels has been involved in establishing and reviewing Computer Science and Software Engineering programs in various colleges and universities. He designed the computer science program at Sapir College in 2000 and consulted and helped staff it until it became a successful CS department in 2010. He currently heads the Computer Science program at Ono Academic College, where he was involved in proposing it from its inception in 2016 and in shaping its current form and high standards from its first class in 2019 until today.
Ely Calderon is the Head of Enforcement in The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (IPPA) at the Israeli Ministry of Justice. In this role, Ely provides leadership for the enforcement activities of the IPPA, thus protecting Personal Information held in digital databases by all entities in Israel – private, public, and governmental. This unique position allows for bridging the ever-growing gap between technology and regulation, utilizing his technological, marketing, and legal experience to strategize the IPPA’s enforcement policy, harness tools, and lead various teams. These teams include internal and external investigators, inspectors, lawyers, CPA’s and technological experts in the fields of forensic analysis, cybercrime and cyber protection, administrative and criminal enforcement of data protection law over the private and public sector, and the enforcement of the Digital Signature law. Ely represents the authority in national and international enforcement collaborations, in parliament committees, governmental projects, and international conventions, taking part in the privacy legislation processes from inception to implementation and execution.
Arie Fouren received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Technion, Haifa — Israel’s leading technological university. Since 2001 he has taught in the Faculty of Business Administration and in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Ono Academic College, Israel. Dr. Fouren’s research interests are distributed algorithms and fault-tolerant computing. He has published in leading journals, including the Journal of the ACM, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Distributed Computing, and SIAM Journal on Computing. He has presented his research at international conferences, including the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), the International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), and the International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS). Dr. Fouren served as a Journal Reviewer for The Journal of Distributed Computing and for The Journal of Association of Computer Machinery (ACM). He has received three Ono Academic College awards for teaching excellence and Best Student Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC2000), Toledo, Spain.
H. Attiya and A. Fouren: “Adaptive and Efficient Wait-Free Algorithms for Lattice Agreement and Renaming,'' Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1998.
Y. Afek, H. Attiya, A. Fouren, G. Stupp and D. Touitou: “Long-Lived Renaming Made Adaptive,'' Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1999.
Arie Jacobi is an assistant professor in the faculty of Business Administration at the Ono Academic College and Peres Academic Center in Israel. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science, Mathematics, and History of Art from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1985 – Cum laude). He received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1988 – Magna cum laude), specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1995), specializing in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and approximation methods. Dr. Jacobi is a researcher in mathematical modeling, Healthcare Information Systems, Social Networks, and Approximation Theory. His academic experience enables him to conduct interdisciplinary research by integrating tools from various areas, such as Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, data science, and multi-dimensional data visualization technologies. He applies these tools to other fields that need advanced mathematical modeling and solutions, such as Finance and Healthcare and Medical Informatics. As part of his academic work, Dr. Jacobi has been published in well-established journals and is involved in international research collaborations.
Bercovier, M. & Jacobi, A.1992, Approximation and/or Construction of Curves by Minimization Methods with or without Constraints. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 211-232.
Bercovier, M. & Jacobi, A. 1994, Minimization, Constraints and Composite Bézier Curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 11., pp. 533-563.

Faculty of Law

Prof. Yuval Elbashan is Ono’s Dean of the Multicultural Campuses in Jerusalem.  Previously, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Law, which is Israel’s largest law faculty.  Prof. Elbashan joined Ono, first as a faculty member and then as Dean of Social Development. He became responsible for managing the institution as a multicultural campus and the development and management of the institution’s social initiatives. In addition, he is responsible for the structuring of social responsibility as part and parcel of the professionalism of the institution’s students in all areas of study (law, accounting, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, health professions, management, business administration, and music). Prof. Elbashan is an Israeli author, community lawyer, respected academic, and esteemed social activist with a record of grassroots and entrepreneurial establishment of programs dedicated to social justice. He served as both a Senior Lecturer at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law and Director of Citizen Rights Centers of YEDID – The Association for Community Empowerment. He is the author of seven books – including a book of poems “Yesterday Finished trimming the bushes” (1994), ” Strangers in the Realm of the Law” – the access to justice in Israel (2005), a novel “Forever Flora” (Yedioth Books, 2009) which won critical acclaim. He’s also sold over 35,000 copies to date of a children’s book “Peanut the mouse and the cruel glue” ( 2010), a novel for young people of all ages “Sifu – Unfinished Story” (2011), and the novel “The Masada Case.” He served in 1987 as an officer in the elite unit of the Israeli Intelligence Corps and is now a major in the IDF reserves. Prof. Elbashan served as an advisor to Israel Defense Ministers Amir Peretz and Ehud Barak on social issues. He was contributing editor to Ma’ariv’s weekly column dedicated to social issues. He established and directed the Human Rights Unit at the Academic College of Law and the Clinical Center for Social Responsibility and Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He earned an LL.B in Law from Tel Aviv University and an LL.M in Law from the Hebrew University, both with highest honors.
Six Books of Prose
"The Advocates of the Oppressed - Law as a Tool for Social Change" (Yedioth Books, 2014)
Dr. Oreg is a member of the 1998 Bar Association. He has been a certified mediator since 1999. In the summer of 2013, he was a guest of Harvard University’s PON Negotiation Project and is currently completing the preparation of a hybrid online course: “Mediation,” designed for all Ono students. Alongside this, he actively collaborates with PON and the Harvard Law School’s Negotiation and Mediation Clinic (HNMCP). Currently, he is investigating the relationship between the 1960s Peace Love and Music narrative and negotiation and dispute resolution methodologies.
Oreg, E. (2007). "Humanism in the 24th Century:" Star Trek "and Law" in: Law and the Book
Oreg, E. (2010). "The Right to Identify Information" Legal Studies 33: 423
Professor Omer Shapira Omer Shapira is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Ono Academic College, Israel, and a mediator. He holds a Ph.D. In Philosophy from Bar-Ilan University, LL.M (Magna Cum Laude) from Tel Aviv University, and LL.B (First Class Honors Degree) from the University of Manchester, England. He teaches courses and seminars on ADR, mediation ethics, jurisprudence, and European Union Law. Shapira is the editor and a contributing author of Mediation Ethics: A Practitioners’ Guide (American Bar Association Publishing, 2021), co-editor and contributing author of Mediation Ethics: Codes of Ethics and Dealing with Dilemmas (The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2018) (Heb), and author of A Theory of Mediators’ Ethics: Foundations, Rationale, and Application (Cambridge University Press, 2016), Use of Power and Influence in Mediation: Practice and Applied Ethics (Ono Academic College Press, 2007) (Heb), and Jurisprudence: Introductory Chapters (Bursi Press & Ono Academic College Press, 2007) (Heb). His works on mediation ethics on topics such as the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators (2005), Decision-Making in Mediation, Fairness in Mediation, and Mediators’ Sources of Power and Influence Tactics, have been published in American and Israeli-refereed journals and can be viewed here. Shapira served as a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Israeli Minister of Justice on matters relating to court-connected mediation and the courts’ list of mediators (2018-2023) and is the chair of the International Mediation Institute (IMI) Ethics Committee and Mediator Ethics Committee (Israel), that receives ethical inquiries from practitioners, and drafts reasoned ethical opinions informed by the theoretical work in which he engages.       Academic Training: P.h.D. In Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University LL.M cum laude (Magna Cum Laude), Tel Aviv University Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) with honors (First Class Honors Degree), University of Manchester England Professional Work: Lecturer in Law and Dispute Resolution at the Ono Academic College. Attorney and mediator
Omer Shapira and Carmela Zilberstein (Eds.) Ethics of Mediation: Ethical Codes and Dealing with Dilemmas (Magnes, 2018)
Omer Shapira, "Following RAA 1496/15 Levy v. Drori: On a Conflict of Interest of a Mediator-Lawyer Who Served as a Power of Attorney and on the Testimony of a Mediator in Court" Law and Business 213 (2018)
Dr. Gil Sheftel is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the Ono Academic College. He holds a Ph.D. in law in the field of criminal law, from the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Sheftel is a Member of the Bar Association since 2003 and has since served as an attorney. In the years 2016-2017, Dr. Sheftel has been a member of committees and public bodies including: member of the Local Criminal Affairs Committee of the Bar Association, member of the audit committee of the “Disabled, Not Half a Person” association (AR) – an organization that works to promote rights for people with disabilities in Israel.
Gil Sheftel The strict liability in criminal law (Nevo Publishing, 2018)
Prof. Gabriela Shalev holds a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, the first woman to hold this position. She was the Editor-in-Chief of the Supreme Court’s rulings and also edited the Hebrew Encyclopedia. She has been a visiting lecturer at various universities in the United States, Europe, and Canada. Professor Shalev is a regular participant in international conferences as an expert in comparative law and a member of the International Academy of Comparative Law. She is a leading expert, in Israel and around the world, in contract law and public authority contracts. She is the winner of the Sussman Law Prize (1989) and the Zeltner Law Prize (1991), and in 2003 – she won an award from the Bar Association for special achievements in the academic research of law.
Yossi Rahamim has been a member of the Israel Bar Association, lecturer, and researcher at the academy since 2005.
"Down the Yellow Brick Road" - Challenging the Existing Business Models, Sustainability in a Digital World - New Opportunities Through New Technologies 241 (Thomas Osburg & Christiane Lohrmann ed., 2017) (coauthors: Amira Dotan and Anat Even-Chen).
"The Israeli Melissa Nelson: Would the Labor Court in Israel have ruled in the same way?"
Dr. Gadi Rubin has received JSD and LLM degrees from the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Canada. He advises leading public and private entities in the economy in the fields of planning and construction and tender law, including the Ministry of the Interior, district planning and construction committees, statutory corporations, and leading business companies. Dr. Rubin has extensive practical experience, including internship with Supreme Court Justice Shoshana Netanyahu. He served as Legal Adviser to the Airports Authority. Dr. Rubin worked as an attorney in the law firm of Herzog, Fox, Ne’eman & Co.
Professor Ron Kleinman received his LL.B. (Cum laude) and Ph.D. (Direct Track) from the Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University. He is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the Ono Academic Campus in the fields of Hebrew Law and Torts; Chairman of the Israeli Committee, Member of the World Association of Hebrew Law; Holder of Rabbinical Ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Additionally, he is the Editor of the Journal of Medical Law and Bioethics at Ono Academic College.
Academic Study Bachelor of Laws, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Master of Laws, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem M., Columbia University, New York Doctor of Laws (J.S.D), Columbia University, New York. Professional Work Practice: Lawyer at the law firm of Yehuda Weinstein; Senior Assistant to the Attorney General.
Dr. Rachel Frid de Vries completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in International Trade Law from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (with an honors scholarship). She holds a doctorate in law (with an honors scholarship) from the University of Amsterdam. Her thesis focused on the EU and global multilateral governance. She served as deputy to the assistant legal counsel to the government (International) in the Ministry of Justice and advised and represented the country vis-à-vis the WTO, OECD, and EU. Dr. Frid de Vries served as a lecturer at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and Bar Ilan University. She is a member of the Committee of the Israeli Association for European Integration Studies IASEI, an arbitrator on the list of Israel’s arbitrators in the WTO, and a member of the Trade and Investment Committee of the ICC.
Frid, R., ‘The EEC a Member of a Specialized Agency of the UN (FAO)’ (1993) 4 European Journal of International Law (EJIL), 239-255
Frid R., ‘Liberalization and Juridification of Trade in Services within GATS: The Accountancy Sector’, in Reich A. (ed.), The WTO and Israel; Law, Economics and Politics, (Bar-Ilan University Press 2006) 221-270 (Hebrew)
Prof. Gabriel Hallevy is a full-time Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law at the Ono Academic College. He served in the Paratroop Brigade and was discharged with the rank of lieutenant. Hallevy received a Bachelor’s degree with honors in law and a Master’s degree with honors in law. Furthermore, he was on the Dean’s List of the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. He received his Doctorate of Laws with honors from the University of Haifa. Prof. Gabriel Hallevy practiced as a private lawyer in the areas of criminal law, civil law, and commercial law. He received a certificate of appreciation from the Knesset for his research and was selected by the Globes newspaper in 2013 as one of the 40 most promising Israelis. He speaks Hebrew, English, French, and German.  
Ph.D. in Law from Bar-Ilan University. LL.M (cum laude) from the London School Of Economics (L.S.E). Specializes in Common European Market Law. LL.B (cum laude) Bar-Ilan University. Served as an attorney at the firm of M. Seligman & Co. and at the firm of Yigal Arnon & Co., specializing in the capital market.
Prof. Elad Finkelstein has a Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law. Finkelstein is a lawyer, mediator, and lecturer in in-service training for judges and in-service training for legal assistants in the field of contract law. Additionally, he is a Member of the Uniform Contracts Tribunal.
Dr. Meital Pinto is a Senior Lecturer at Ono Academic College. She holds a Bachelor of Laws and Governance (LL.B) (with honors) from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, a Master of Laws (L.L.M), and a Doctor of Laws (S.J.D) from the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto, where she researched minority rights in the light of multicultural political theories. Pinto previously served as an intern in Judge Grunis’ office in the Supreme Court and later specialized here. In 2010-2009, she served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University. She is an expert in constitutional and administrative law and the philosophy of law. Dr. Meital Pinto is the secretary of the Association for Public Law in Israel.
“On the Intrinsic Value of Arabic in Israel - Challenging Kymlicka on Language Rights” 20 (1) The Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 143-172 (2007).
"What are Offenses to Feelings Really About?" 30 (4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 695-723 (2010).
Dr. Assaf Porat is a Lecturer in Law at the Faculty of Law at the Ono Academic College. He is an External Lecturer at the Radziner School of Law at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya and the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. Additionally, he is also a Guest Lecturer at the Judicial Training Institute, the Institute for the Training of Legal Assistants (OZMAT), the “Institute for the Training of Lawyers” and in the “Schools” of the Open University. Furthermore, Dr. Porat sometimes serves as a commentator on legal matters in the media. He has worked as a lawyer since 1997 and as a legal assistant at the Tel Aviv District Court between 1998 and 2005. Dr. Porat was a Member of the “Sefer Shamgar” system (headed by Prof. Aharon Barak) between 2001 and 2002.
"Protection from Justice in the Constitutional Age", Kiryat Hamishpat A. 381 (2001) (edited by the late Prof. Menashe Shava).
"The Reflection of Law in the Cinema Mirror - 'The Picture of a Lawyer'", Law and Book - Collection of Articles and Studies 365 (2007).
Prof. Pugach received a Ph.D. And a Master’s degree from King’s College, London, England, as well as an LL.M. from Tel Aviv University. She has been a holder of a law license since 1990. Prof. Pugach interned in the Tel Aviv District Attorney’s Office (criminal).
Professional Milestones: Doctorate And LL.B. from Tel Aviv University Senior Researcher at the Gartner Institute for Health Policy Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law Law, University of Virginia Professor of Law, University of Virginia
Dr. Hanan Mendel is a lecturer and researcher in law and dispute resolution. He is engaged in court research, editor of the journal “Democratic Culture,” and co-director of the Hebrew research network – HRN – SSRN (together with Ruth Kanai and Prof. Uri Shield). He has received an award from the Adenauer Institute for Research in the Field of Procedure. He is a chairman of the Torah and Labor Trustees Movement.
Dr. Odelia Minnes is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Ono Academic College. She is a member of the Board of the Second Authority for Television and Radio and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Minister of Culture and Sports Award for the Preservation and Cultivation of Israeli Cultures named after Yitzhak Navon. Dr. Minnes is a former researcher on the subject of regulation and policy. She was the editor of the Journal of Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University. Dr. Minnes has received awards and scholarships as an outstanding lecturer in the Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University and a Lady Davis and Sacker postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University. She was awarded a scholarship by the President of Bar-Ilan University for outstanding doctoral students and the Presidential Award by Bar-Ilan University for Outstanding Students.
Non-Recourse, No Down Payment and the Mortgage Meltdown: Lesson from Undercapitalization, 16 Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 529 (2011) (with Dr. Dov Solomon).
Redefining Possessory Liens in Bankruptcy: Property, Contract and What It All Means, 11 DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal 75 (2013).
Dr. Yoav Mazeh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1999 and a Master’s and Doctoral degree from Oxford University in 2001 and 2004. As an expert in family law and intellectual property, he has worked in the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, served as a Fellow of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and worked as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Intellectual Property Research at Oxford University. He wrote the existing regulations for the prevention of sexual harassment, and his recommendations largely shaped the recommendations of the Schnitt Committee (regarding child custody) and the Shipman Committee (regarding child support). He is a research fellow at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. He has lectured at Oxford University and as a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto and has a widely circulated legal blog on family law.
Dr. Sagit Leviner is an executive adviser at the Bank of Israel Macroeconomic & Policy Division. She is also a senior lecturer with Ono Academic College Faculty of Law and Ono Academic College Faculty of Business Administration. Dr. Leviner served as Senior Lecturer with SUNY Buffalo University Law School, New York, USA in 2010-2013 (tenure-track position) and as Senior Researcher with the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) National Office, Washington DC, USA in 2007-08. Dr. Leviner was a Visiting Researcher at the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Law, Tel Aviv University in 2008-09 (post-doc) and she interned at the Israel State Attorney’s Office, Fiscal Department, Jerusalem, in 2000-2001. Dr. Leviner has won numerous awards and honors for her research and scholarship, including Israel’s Returning Scientist Grant (Excellence Basis). Her research has been published in leading journals such as the Columbia Journal of Tax Law, Virginia Tax Review, and Michigan Journal of Law Reform. It has been quoted by leading tax decision-makers, such as the head of the Australian Income Tax Commission, in US case law decisions, and in the annual report to the US Congress of the US Taxpayers’ Advocate.
Leviner, S. (2012). The Role Tax Preparers Play in Taxpayer Compliance in The United States: An Empirical Investigation with Policy Implications. Buffalo Law Review, 60 (4), 1079-1128.
Leviner, S. (2012). The Normative Underpinnings of Taxation. Nevada Law Journal, 13 (1), 101-141.
Dr. Lahav Ben Zion earned his Ph.D. at  Bar-Ilan University and did a post-doctoral fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He previously served as the Dean of Students and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law at Ono Academic College. Dr. Ben Zion served as a lecturer for over 20 years in the field of constitutional and administrative law. Throughout his years, he has served and participated in many social-public activities, including being; a Member of the Public Council for the Protection of Privacy (appointed by the Minister of Justice), an Advocate of the Military Court of Appeals, and a Member of the Supreme Court of the Histadrut. Dr. Ben Zion Lahavn is a volunteer lecturer in public law and human rights. He educates how these impact students, teachers, principals, and supervisors in the Ministry of Education and in the southern region. Additionally, he is active in the Association for Legal Aid to the Needy.
Dr. Rivi Cohen is Ono’s Vice President and Senior Lecturer in Ono’s Law Faculty.  Previously, she served as Ono’s Dean of Students.  She earned her Ph.D. from Bar Ilan University in a direct doctoral program on insurance law. Dr. Cohen served as a lawyer at R. Levitan and Associates for several years, handling professional liability insurance for lawyers. In the past, she lectured at Bar Ilan University. Dr. Cohen serves as a director on the board of directors of several public companies and lectures on her area of expertise in various forums.
Prof. Amichai Cohen holds a Ph.D. in Law from Yale University, USA. He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Cohen is a researcher at the Israel Democracy Institute. In addition, he served as a visiting professor at the American University, Washington College of Law, Washington D.C.
Proportionality in Asymmetrical Conflicts (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Dec. 2009)
The IDF investigates itself: Investigating suspicions of violations of war law (Policy Study No. 93, Israel Democracy Institute, 2011).
Prof. Yitzhak Cohen holds a bachelor’s degree (with honors) and a master’s degree in direct studies (with honors), both from the Faculty of Law at Bar Bar-Ilan University. He wrote his doctoral dissertation as part of the President’s Scholarships for Outstanding Students. In 2013 he was a visiting researcher at Columbia University School of Law, New York, and in 2013 he was a visiting lecturer at McGill University, Canada. Prof. Cohen heads several academic programs and has been a member of the Bar Association since 1999. He holds a diploma as a Rabbi from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and has published numerous articles in his fields of teaching and research: Jewish law, family law, and civil law. He serves as the Academic Director of the Faculty of Law at Ono’s Jerusalem Campus. Prof. Cohen writes opinions on family and inheritance law.
Dr. Cohen is the Director of the “Applied Academics” Department at Ono Academic College. He is also the President of the Israeli Institute of Business Arbitration and Chairman of the Association of Colleges and Private Schools. Additionally, Dr. Cohen is a Member of the Presidency of the Association of Chambers of Commerce.   Dr. Cohen is a member of various boards of directors and investment committees of funds in Israel and abroad. In addition, he founded the “Thoughts” group, Israel’s largest legal training company.   Dr. Cohen specializes in the professional analysis of bureau exams and preparation for these exams, including writing professional literature, preparing lecture sets for courses and more. In this framework, he trained more than 40,000 lawyers,   He has written and edited dozens of professional books in the field of law, selling more than two million copies.
Prof. Yanisky-Ravid received her Ph.D. in track for outstanding students from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and life sciences with honors from Bar Ilan University and a bachelor’s degree with honors from Tel Aviv University. She served as a lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Bar Ilan University and in the EMBA program. Prof. Yanisky-Ravid heads the “Women at Work” project in collaboration with the Women’s Lobby in Israel. She is a board member of the Israeli Association for the Study of Labor Relations. Prof. Yanisky-Ravid is chair of the Legislation Committee of the Labor Law Forum, the Bar Association, and a national committee. She is a representative in the Knesset committees in all debates regarding labor law legislation.
Dr. Amal Jabareen received his Ph.D. In Law from Bar Ilan University. He holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Engineering and a Diploma in International Trade from the Technion. He was an external lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Bar Ilan University and a lecturer at the Israel Bar Association’s training institute.
Dr. Haim Zicherman was born in 1979. He completed his Bachelor’s degree at Ono Academic College, his Master’s degree from the Faculty of Law at  Bar-Ilan University, and his  Ph.D. from the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University. He interned at the law firm “Herzog, Fox, and Neeman” (2007-2008). Beginning in 2008, he began teaching at Ono Academic College and Sha’arei Mishpat College in the civil and public law fields. From 2013 onwards, he has served as a core faculty member at Ono Academic College. Zicherman’s dissertation deals with the state’s obligations to the victims of multi-dimensional government appropriation. In 2015, his work was awarded the Cheshin Prize for Academic Excellence for an outstanding doctoral dissertation.
A Master Plan for Ultra-Orthodox Employment in Israel, IDI, 2016
The IDF and the Ultra-Orthodox, IDI, 2014
Yair Eldan studied law at the Hebrew University (1996 – 2000) and, in 2001, was accepted as a member of the Bar Association. He worked in the Knesset as the parliamentary aide of MK Ophir Pines-Paz, chairing the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. From 2003 to 2008, he completed his studies in the dispute resolution and negotiation program at Bar-Ilan University, and in April 2008, he was awarded a Ph.D. His dissertation dealt with the effects of boycotts and ostracism as described in the writings of ancient Jewish sages. At the Academic College, Ono Alden teaches law and Hebrew law courses and is particularly interested in the relationships between law and society and the connections between legal and other disciplines, especially literature and psychology.
Professor of criminal law at Ono Academic College; visiting professor at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law and the University of Cambridge, England.
Shachar Eldar & Elkana List, The Irrelevance of Motive and the Rule of Law, 20 New Criminal Law Review 433 (2017).
Shachar Eldar, Examining Intent through the Lens of Complicity, 28 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 29 (2015).
Dr. Ben-Shemesh received his Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. In addition, he holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He served as Legal Assistant to Supreme Court President (Retired) Prof. Aaron Barak until his retirement in late 2006. Ben-Shemesh is a Senior Public Law Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law at Ono Academic College and regularly appears as a legal commentator on television and radio channels.
Prof. Avner Ben-Zaken is a historian of science and a multidisciplinary and multicultural individual who addresses how science and knowledge cross cultural boundaries. He began his studies at the Hebrew University and graduated with honors, receiving a doctorate in the history of science from UCLA. In 2003, he won the Reingold Prize of the International Science History Society. In 2004, he was elected to the Harvard University Fellowship, where he served as a Fellow until 2008. Prof. Ben-Zaken is a versatile researcher focusing on how crossing cultural boundaries creates a transient and marginal consciousness necessary to develop new ideas. Using this methodological approach, he researched and published in diverse fields, from the history of science in modernity, through the philosophy of late medieval history to political thought and law in the 20th century. He heads the Ono Academic College’s Excellence Program and recently created a multidisciplinary humanities and social sciences program. Ben-Zaken has published three books and dozens of articles.
“The Revolving Planets and the Revolving Clocks: Circulating Mechanical Objects in the Mediterranean”, History of Science, xlix (2011).
“From Naples to Goa and Back: A Secretive Galilean Messenger and A Radical Neapolitan Hermeneutist” History of Science, xlvii (2009).
Dr. Judy Broder received her Ph.D. from Bar Ilan University, completing the Direct Track for outstanding students. She received her  LL.B. with Honors from Bar Ilan University. Dr. Judy Broder also studied at  TASIS – The American School in Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland. She holds additional Bachelor’s Degrees in Law and Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology. Additionally, she served as an external lecturer at Bar-Ilan and Tel Aviv universities. Dr. Broder is the Founder and Head of the Ono Center for Clinical Social Law. She is also the head of the MAPA Center for Law, Psychiatry, and Guardianship.  
Prof. Zohar Goshen is the former Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  He received the JS Doctorate Degree from the Law School at Yale University. He also received a Master of Law from Yale University. Prof. Goshen is the Chairman of the Committee for Reconsideration of the Antitrust Law in Israel and Chair of the Disciplinary Tribunal for Portfolio Managers and Investment Advisors. In addition, Goshen served as a lecturer and researcher at Columbia University, New York. In prior years he lectured at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and served as Visiting Lecturer at the New York University Law School, NYU Global Law School, and Yale University. Throughout his years, Prof. Goshen has received several excellence awards, including the Outstanding Lecturer Award from the Willis Rees School of Law, Columbia University, in 2006, the Olin Law and Economics Award from Yale University, and many others.
Dr. Tamar Hostovsky Brandes is a Senior Lecturer in the College of Law Faculty at Ono Academic College. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law (LL.B) from Tel Aviv University (cum laude) and a master’s (LL.M) (cum laude) and doctorate (J.S.D) in law from Columbia University. Dr. Tamar’s research interests are public international law and constitutional law, and her research focuses on the relationship between the two, as well as the interface between law and political theory. Prior to joining the Ono Academic College faculty, Dr. Tamar worked as a lawyer in the commercial department at New York’s Schulte, Roth & Zabel, LLP law firm and taught in the master’s degree program in Global Studies. In 2018, Tamar was hosted as a Short Term International Visiting Professor at Columbia University School of Law.
Human Dignity as a Central Pillar in Constitutional Rights Jurisprudence in Israel: Definitions and Parameters, in ISRAELI CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IN THE MAKING (Sapir, Barak-Erez & Barak ed., Hart Publishing, 2013)
"No Citizenship Without Loyalty": on Loyalty, Citizenship and Social Solidarity in Israel HAMERCHAV HAZIBURI (The Public Sphere, Tel-Aviv University, 2016) (published also as "Citizenship, Loyalty and Social Solidarity: The Loyalty Discourse in Israel and the Legitimatization of Discrimination" in CONDITIONAL CITIZENSHIP (Van Leer and University of Haifa Press, 2016))
Dr. Lital Helman is a Senior Lecturer focusing on tort law and intellectual property. She graduated with honors from the Bachelor of Laws and Philosophy program at the Hebrew University, and her Master’s and Ph.D. were taken at the University of Pennsylvania as a Fellow in the Fulbright program. She served as a research fellow at Columbia University and New York University.
Dr. Ofer Tur-Sinai is a researcher and senior lecturer.  He has worked as a lawyer in leading commercial offices in New York and Israel.  Dr. Tur-Sinai has extensive experience in the legal representation of start-ups and other entities in a wide range of commercial transactions, including intellectual property licensing.
Sara Tilleman is the English Studies Coordinator at Ono Academic College.
Inbal Maimon Blau is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, Ono Academic College. After completing postdoctoral fellowships at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2018-2019) and the University of Alberta (2017-2018), she was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (2022). Professor Maimon Blau’s research is focused on private law (specifically torts), corporate law, law and society and legal history, with a specialization in the legal treatment of mass tort events and disasters. Her book on compensation for victims of mass tort events, titled “After the Flood – Compensation Mechanisms in Mass Tort Events in Israel” was published by the Sacher Institute at the Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Nevo publishing. Inbal earned her PhD, LLM, and LLB from the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. She has a strong background in teaching and was recognized as an excellent lecturer by the Rector’s Excellence in Teaching Award at Tel Aviv University. In 2016, she was awarded an “Inspirational Doctoral Fellowship” at Tel Aviv University. Before her academic career, Inbal worked as a lawyer, including a role as a judicial clerk to the Honorable Judge Khaled Kaboub, currently a Supreme Court Justice, when he was a leading justice of the business law department of the Tel Aviv District Court. Her research has had a significant impact and has been cited and mentioned in various decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court and district courts.
"Special Litigation Committee (SLC) in the Israeli Corporate Law", JOSEPH GROSS BOOK 71 (2015) (with Judge Chaled Kabub and Ohad Philip) (in Hebrew).
"The Missing Link - Between Mizrahi Identity and Tort Wrong in the Ringworm's Victims' Affair", Law and Government in Israel (Haifa University Law Review, 2021) (in Hebrew)
Dr. Noam Sher is a Senior Lecturer at the Ono Academic College. He began his work at the Law School in 2017. Previously, Dr. Sher was a faculty member at the Carmel Academic Center, School of Law, from 2009-2017. He was also a faculty member at IDC Herzliya, Radziner School of Law, from 1996 to 2009. In addition, Dr. Sher served as a  Research Fellow at the Global Center for Law and Economics at the New York University School of Law from 2006-2007.
Osnat Jacobi & Noam Sher, A Commitment Mechanism to Eliminate Willful Contract Litigation, 11 REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 231-266 (2015).
Nahum Biger & Noam Sher, New Financial Tools for Small Businesses: A Commitment Mechanism to Secure Funding, 19 (1) JOURNAL OF APPLIED BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 89-106 (2017).
Geula Avidan is the Assistant Dean of Students responsible for Ono’s Ultra-Orthodox Campuses. In addition, she serves as Deputy Academic Director of the Campuses and has been a lecturer in Torts and Family Law since 2002. Before that served as a member of the Netanya District Court’s Sewerage Appeals Committee and as legal counsel for “Namdar Shilo” Ltd. (an institutional project management firm). Avidan was a member of the Executive Committee of Israel’s Broadcasting Authority, a Director of the Yuvalim Water Corporation in Ashdod, a Government representative on the Magen David Adom (Israeli Red Cross Council), and a Member of the Boundaries Committee of the Ministry of the Interior.  Avidan also served as a Member of the assembly that elects the Chief Rabbinate Council.
- Frid de Vries, R., ‘Domestic Judicial Acts, State's Liability and Arbitral Investment Tribunals’, Transnational Dispute Management (TDM, ISSN 1875-4120) special issue on "Judicial Measures and Investment Treaty Law", (2019)
- Frid de Vries, R., "Judicial Conduct and Investment Treaty Claims: Lessons from the Israeli Gas Cases and the Eli Lilly Award” 2 Transnational Dispute Management-TDM (2019), www.transnational-dispute-management.com https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3369570 URL: www.transnational-dispute-management.com/article.asp?key=2639 TDM (ISSN 1875-4120) is a peer-review online journal publishing about various aspects of international arbitration with a special focus on investment arbitration.
Commissioner of Ethics and Discipline, Ono Academic College. Member of the leading board of self-evaluation process and report – Council for Higher Education, Ono Academic College.
5. “One Day She will knock on the Door, Don’t Worry, She will Come” – Mothers who’s Children were Surrendered for Adoption Tell Their Stories – a Feminist Perspective to Adoption of Children’s Practice in Israel (in process).
4. The Unheard Voices of Mothers and Fathers with Disabilities in the Adjudication of Forced Adoption of Children in Israel (under review, co-authored with Anat Herbst-Debby).

Faculty of Society and Arts

Prof. Amia Lieblich is the Head of the School of Society and the Arts at Ono Academic College.  She is a Professor Emerita of Psychology from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and served as President of the Academic College of Society and the Arts. Lieblich’s fields of study are life story research, narrative and qualitative inquiry. She published numerous books about Israeli society, military service, the kibbutz, and gender. Alongside Josselson and McAdams, Prof. Lieblich has edited a yearly publication called “The Narrative Study of Lives,” published by Sage, USA, and later by APA Washington, DC.
Narrative research and Humanism. In: K.J. Schneider, J.F.T. Bugental and J.F. Pierson (eds) The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology. Sage, 2001, 275-288 (with R. Josselson).
Up close and personal: Teaching and learning of Narrative research.The Narrative Study of Lives, vol. 9 (with R. Josselson and D. McAdams), 2002
Samuel Schwartz, Ph.D., M.P.P., is a Senior Lecturer, Assistant Dean of Students (responsible for the Netanya Campus), and the Director of Resource Development and International Programming at Ono Academic College. In this capacity, Dr. Schwartz has managed arts-based interventions with a variety of populations, including immigrants and Arab-Jewish dialog groups. He has chaired, organized, and presented his work at numerous conferences on the subject of co-existence, the use of the arts for conflict resolution, and arts and health.  Based on these experiences, he edited and submitted chapters for the book The Arts and Social Change. Dr. Schwartz also has extensive work experience in the field of international relations. He was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy and Strategy at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center as well as at Harvard University’s Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East.  As Spokesperson and Director of Academic Affairs at the Consulates General of Israel in Boston and Los Angeles, he designed and led numerous conflict resolution outreach projects in twelve U.S. States. He has published journal articles on the topics of conflict transformation, international relations, cross-cultural community organization, arts in education, and arts in health. He has co-authored studies with scholars from North America, Africa, and the Palestinian Authority. His Ph.D. dissertation dealt with the psychological aspects of non-conventional weapons, a topic about which he has published extensively. Schwartz received his Bachelor’s Degree from Yale University, his Master´s Degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and his Ph.D. from Bar Ilan University.
Schwartz, S., Marcow Speiser, V., Speiser, P., & Kossak, M. (Eds.). (2012). The Arts and Social Change: The Lesley University Experience in Israel. Tel Aviv, Israel: Porat Books.
Marcow Speiser, V., & Schwartz, S. (2011). Reflections on the Development of Lesley University's Extension in Israel. In C. Farr Brown & M. Forinash (Eds.), A Century of Innovation (pp. 129-145). Baltimore: Publish America.
Dr. Tami Yaguri teaches Existential Philosophy in Israel. She also trains psychotherapists, and is the author and editor of Human Dialogue with the Absolute (2008), The Authenticity of Faith in Kierkegaard’s Philosophy (2013), Solving the Riddle of Meaning (2016),  Kierkegaard: Between Authentic Faith and Self-Deception (2018) and Unraveling Life’s Riddle (2018).
אילת-יגורי,ת. הדיאלקטיקה האיכותית של קירקגור, ירושלים: עיון, רבעון פילוסופי, האוניברסיטה העברית, אוקטובר 2006, עמ' 416-399.
יגורי, ת. פתרון חידת המשמעות, ירושלים: כרמל, 2016 (284 עמ') [הודפסו עד כה 3 מהדורות]. אילת-יגורי, דיאלוג אנושי עם המוחלט, ירושלים: הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס, 2008 (216 עמ').
Vivien Marcow Speiser, Ph.D. LMHC, REAT, BC-DMT, is a Professor Emerita and Co- Director of the Institute for Arts and Health in The Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lesley University. She is also a Distinguished Research Associate at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg South Africa.  Prof. Speiser is a licensed mental health counselor, a dance/movement therapist and an expressive arts therapist and educator.  She has developed and implemented numerous arts based programs throughout the USA and Israel. As former founder and director of the Arts Institute Project in Israel, she has been influential in the development of Expressive Arts Therapy in that country. She is currently on the Executive Committee of IACAET, The International Association of Creative Arts in Education and Therapy and is a co-editor of the CAET journal. Her contributions to the field have made her an international leader in dance and expressive therapy, and most recently earned her the 2014 Distinguished Fellows Award from the Global Alliance for Arts and Health and a 2015 Honorary Fellow Lifetime Achievement award from the Israeli Expressive and Creative Arts Therapy Association (ICET). In addition, she has received a 2019 JAAH Lifetime Achievement Award in Applied Arts and Health, and is the current 2020 and 2023 recipient of a Fulbright Senior Scholar Award.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Tova Hartman is the Dean of Humanities at Ono Academic College, the largest private college in Israel. Her last book, Are You Not a Man of God?: Devotion, Betrayal, and Social Criticism in Jewish Tradition (Oxford), brought feminist theory and relational psychology to bear on Jewish theology and culture. Her prior book, Feminism Encounters Jewish Tradition: Resistance and Accommodation (Brandeis), won a National Jewish Book Award. Her first book, Appropriately Subversive: Modern Mothers in Traditional Religions (Harvard), based on her doctoral thesis under Carol Gilligan, was a comparative study of the experiences of traditional Catholic and Jewish women as mothers and as agents of socialization in their communities and cultures. This brought her into the world of interfaith research and social action, where she maintains a vital presence as a speaker and teacher at conferences relating to scholarship, religion, and social change. Tova is one of the founders of Shira Hadasha in Jerusalem, the first Orthodox egalitarian synagogue. She continues to publish scholarly and popular articles and speaks regularly at a diverse range of venues across North America, Europe, and Israel.
Hartman, T. (2011). "Reading for Resistance: Iphigenia." In P. Cooper Davis & L. Cooper Davis (Eds.), Enacting Pleasure (pp. 55-67). New York: Seagull Books.
Seigelshifer, V., & Hartman, T. (2011). "From Tichels to Hair Bands: Modern Orthodox Women and the Practice of Head Covering." Women’s Studies International Forum, 34 (5), 349-359.
Prof. Yehuda Sommer Cohen is the Dean of the Jonathan Wohl School of Music at Ono Academic College. He is a conductor, arranger, and founder of musical educational systems. For the past 40 years, Prof. Sommer Cohen has worked establishing and managing musical institutions, from conservatories to academic systems. At the beginning of his career, Sommer Cohen established and managed the conservatory in Yehud and Or Akiva and managed “Meitar” in Ganei Tikva. Some of the best composers in the world participated in his musical productions, including Michel Legrand, Sir Harrison Birtwistle, Marcel Landowski, Einojuhani Rautavaara, and many other influential jazz luminaries. In 1991, Sommer Cohen founded the Hed College of Music, an institution that received recognition from Israel’s Council of Higher Education as a body that may train undergraduates in music. The school also included sound recording with Jewish and Arabic music divisions. In 1990, Prof. Sommer Cohen formed the “Hed Big Band” – a professional jazz orchestra, for which he served as musical director and its permanent conductor. The orchestra performed in the United States, South America, and had a series of performances at its home club in Tel Aviv, and performed at hundreds of shows around the country. The orchestra conducted by Yehuda Cohen has taken part in various music festivals around Israel. Yehuda recorded five albums of jazz and musical theater music with the orchestra. At Ono Academic College, in addition to being Dean and Director of the School of Music, Dr. Sommer Cohen also lectures in the following courses: Developing Rhythmic Hearing, Duke Ellington Music, The Establishment and Management of an Orchestra, and The Final Project.
Prof. Emmanuel Grupper is a world-renowned expert in the fields of education and care for children and adolescents in internal and external settings. Since 2018 he has served as the president of the International Boarding Education Organization FICE. Previously, Prof. Grupper served as Director of the Department of Boarding Education at the Ministry of Education and at the same time as a lecturer and head of the program for the promotion and treatment of at-risk youth at Beit Berl Academic College. Prof. Grupper was the Organizer and Chairman of a large international conference for boarding school educators from around the world held at the Ono Academic College at the end of October 2019.
Prof. Revital Sela-Shayovitz is an expert in juvenile delinquency, gender and violence, and crime and the media. She is active in international research groups in the areas of juvenile delinquency, cybercrime, and femicide.
Sela-Shayovitz, R. (2015). Police legitimacy under the spotlight: Media coverage of police performance in the face of a high terrorism threat. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 11, 117- 139.
Sela-Shayovitz, R. (2015). "They are all good boys" - The role of the media in social construction of gang rape. Feminist Media Studies, 15, 411-428.
Dr. Rachel Hillel Avraham is the Director of the B.A. Program in Education and Society.  She is the Assistant Dean of Teaching and is a representative on the President of Israel’s Israeli Hope [Tikva Yisraelit] Project on Academia.
Samuel Schwartz, Ph.D., M.P.P., is a Senior Lecturer, Assistant Dean of Students (responsible for the Netanya Campus), and the Director of Resource Development and International Programming at Ono Academic College. In this capacity, Dr. Schwartz has managed arts-based interventions with a variety of populations, including immigrants and Arab-Jewish dialog groups. He has chaired, organized, and presented his work at numerous conferences on the subject of co-existence, the use of the arts for conflict resolution, and arts and health.  Based on these experiences, he edited and submitted chapters for the book The Arts and Social Change. Dr. Schwartz also has extensive work experience in the field of international relations. He was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy and Strategy at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center as well as at Harvard University’s Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East.  As Spokesperson and Director of Academic Affairs at the Consulates General of Israel in Boston and Los Angeles, he designed and led numerous conflict resolution outreach projects in twelve U.S. States. He has published journal articles on the topics of conflict transformation, international relations, cross-cultural community organization, arts in education, and arts in health. He has co-authored studies with scholars from North America, Africa, and the Palestinian Authority. His Ph.D. dissertation dealt with the psychological aspects of non-conventional weapons, a topic about which he has published extensively. Schwartz received his Bachelor’s Degree from Yale University, his Master´s Degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and his Ph.D. from Bar Ilan University.
Schwartz, S., Marcow Speiser, V., Speiser, P., & Kossak, M. (Eds.). (2012). The Arts and Social Change: The Lesley University Experience in Israel. Tel Aviv, Israel: Porat Books.
Marcow Speiser, V., & Schwartz, S. (2011). Reflections on the Development of Lesley University's Extension in Israel. In C. Farr Brown & M. Forinash (Eds.), A Century of Innovation (pp. 129-145). Baltimore: Publish America.
Rabbi Dr. Sharon Z. Shalom immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia on his own at the age of about nine. He studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shvut, where he received his rabbinic ordination. Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom has a broad education in theology and philosophy. His M.A. thesis was on “Circumcision in the Beta Israel Community,” and his Ph.D. thesis was on “Judaism of Fate? A Case Study on Theology of the Ethiopian Jewish Community,” both completed at Bar-Ilan University. In addition to being a Senior Lecturer at Ono Academic College, he was a visiting scholar of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University and also teaches at Bar Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities. and is a member of Beit Hillel and Tzohar, an Orthodox Rabbinic organization. He is a graduate of the Hartman Institute’s “Rabbanut Yisraelit.” He is the Rabbi of the “Kdoshei Israel” synagogue in Kiryat Gat, a community of Holocaust survivors. He serves as a Captain in the IDF Reserves.
Shalom, Sharon, Z., , Shalom, Sharon, Z., From Sinai to Ethiopia: (The halachic world and Ethiopian Jewish Thought, Including "Shulchan Ha-orit" The Table of Light, a halachic guide for Beta Yisrael. (English version) 5775, 2015
Shalom, Sharon, Z., Conversations on Love and Fear , In Print, Yeshiva University Press (2021)
Dr. Idit Finkelstein is Vice Dean and Director of the Graduate Program Organizational Consulting for Educational and Business Institutions and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science at Ono Academic College.
"Adapting Adolescents to Divorced Parents - Interaction of Personality and Family Variables" - Doctoral Thesis
Faculty Members' Perceptions of their Multicultural Teaching Competence (with Sela-Shayovitz R).
Prof. Tzafira Lichtman-Grabelski works in media consulting, personal management, and conducting workshops for senior executives and politicians. She teaches personal communication skills and advises politicians and senior executives from leading companies in the economy in matters of managerial communication and negotiation management. Prof. Lichtman-Grabelski has consulted for CEOs and owners of banks, high-tech companies and industry, prime ministers and city managers, police chiefs, senior executives in government ministries, and the General Security Service. As part of her personal media consulting, she works on improving personal communication skills in front of boards, employees, and clients, including negotiation, appearance in the mass media, and giving press conferences. Prof. Lichtman-Grabelski has served on the Board of Directors of the Broadcasting Authority as an academic representative and a member of the Digital Media Committee of the Broadcasting Authority.
Grabelsky-Lichtman, T. (2012). The Relationship of Verbal and Nonverbal Discrepancy and Non-discrepancy to Journalists ’Reactions: Hassan Nasrallah’s Television Appearances during the Second Lebanon War. Media Frames: Israeli Journal of Communication, 9, 99-131 [Hebrew] (B in Communication).
Grabelsky-Lichtman, T. The Role of Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior in Televised Political Debates. Journal of Political Marketing, In press (B in Communication).
Dr. Daniels Rahimi is a Presidium Member of the Bureau of Information Systems Analysts. He is a member of the board of directors of the non-profit organization “60-plus-minus”. Rahimi is a  Member of the National Committee for Information Technologies of the State of Israel and a member of the “Letter and Certificate” Committee for Holocaust Survivors. Dr. Daniels Rahimi is an academic consultant and a governing member of the “Eyes on the Road” organization. Furthermore, Rahimi is an active partner in initiating and organizing social-educational activities for the advancement of various populations: special education classes, Yeshivot Hesder (religious studies institutions that integrate army service), development areas, socially-distressed groups, etc. At the Ono Academic College, Dr. Daniels Rahimi has served as the Chairman of the Academic Campus (COO) for Academic Technological Development and as Information Systems Manager (CIO).
רחימי, א. ( 2004 ) "מערכות מידע כל- ארגוניות – האתגר " מידעון: כתב- עת לטכנולוגיית המידע, 136 : 77-80 , 2004
Da Silva, R. & Rahimi, I. (2004). "Issues in Implementing CRM: A Case Study", Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology Journal, Vol. 1, p. 1053-1064.
Dr. Avi Moyal is an independent consultant in the field of healthy lifestyles and sports. In the past, he served as head of the IDF’s combat fitness department and as a combat fitness officer for the General Staff Reconnaissance Regiment, the Shaldag Unit, and others.
Dr. Nitsan Almog is currently the Director of the Specialization in Integration and Inclusion in the Program of Education and Society. She has also served as a Lecturer in the School of Social Work at Bar Ilan University. Additionally, Dr. Almog is an advisor to the “Revolution in Higher Education Programs” of the National Insurance Institute. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Beit Izzie Shapira.  Previously, Dr. Almog held fieldwork positions including as Director of Disability Programs – Joint Israel and Commissioner for Employment of Persons with Disabilities in the Histadrut Labor Federation. Dr. Almog works to advance the field of disability studies in Israel and its inclusion in the country’s social and academic discourse.
Lavie-Ajai, M., Almog, N. & Krumer-Nevo, M. (2012). Chronic pain as a narratological distress: a phenomenological study. Chronic Illness.
Eichengreen, A., Almog, N. And Breuer, N. (2016). Disability Cabinet: Get out, stay, break up. Inside: Moore, S., Ziv, N.W. Canter, A. Eichengreen, A. And Mizrahi, N. (Eds.). Disability Studies: Reading. Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute Press. 299-311.
Dr. Muwafaq Qadach is an expert in organizational learning, organizational development, and the organizational behavior of employees. As part of his research career, he has conducted many academic studies of teachers, administrators, and students.
Schechter, C., & Qadach, M. (2012). Toward an organizational model of change in elementary schools: the contribution of organizational learning mechanisms. Educational Administration Quarterly, 48:116–153.*
Schechter, C., & Qadach, M. (2016). Principals' learning mechanisms: exploring An emerging construct. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 15(2): 141–167.*
Sara Tilleman is the English Studies Coordinator at Ono Academic College.
Niv Nachlieli is an organizational consultant for sports and business organizations. He is the former HR Director at NICE Systems and leads management programs for senior executives in the business sector. Nachlieli leads the Forum of CEOs of Sports Associations in Israel and is an Adviser to the Israeli Olympic Committee.
Dr. Meir Margalit received a Ph.D. in the history of the Jewish people from the University of Haifa. He has served as the director of a community center in Jerusalem and a mentor for members of street gangs.
Seventy Shawls of Oblivion, Keshet - Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ono Academic Campus, Vol. I, 2018
Returning in Tears, The Descent from the Land during the British Mandate, 1920-1948, Carmel Publishing, 2018.
Adi Bichman is a former Olympic swimmer, project manager in the professional unit “Athena” – the national project for the promotion of women’s sports in Israel, director of the sports department of the Savyon Local Council, and founding director and trainer in the Israeli national swimming associations.
Dr. Alon Afek has been the director and a lecturer in the education and sports fields for over 20 years. He previously served in a variety of senior positions in the sports system in Israel.
The sports structure in higher education in Israel, a review of the sports unit managers. ERD 2018, Education, Reflection, Development Sixth Edition Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The Influence of Physical Education in Higher Education Institutions on the Engagement in Physical Activity Among Students. ERD 2017, Education, Reflection, Development, Fifth Edition. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Sharbel Shoukair is Vice President of Sectoral Development at Ono Academic College. The position includes developing new degrees and initiating curricula and new tracks of study. In addition, he serves as Deputy Dean of the Humanities, which includes responsibility for faculty budgets, absorption of new faculty, and agreements. Previously, Dr. Shoukair served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and as Head of the Finance and Capital Markets specialization in undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Shoukair, S. (2007). Fundamentals of Finance, First Edition. Published by the Ono Academic College.
Shoukair, S.. (2008). Fundamentals of Finance, Extended Second Edition. Published by the Ono Academic College.
Dr. Roie Yellinek received his doctorate from the Department of Middle Eastern Studies and the School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan. Dr. Yellinek serves as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. He’s the Director of the Writing Center at the Ono Academic College and an external lecturer at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. Additionally, he is a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA Center) and a research fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington. He is an expert in the expanding relationship between the Middle East and China, especially regarding the soft power component of Chinese diplomacy.
Yossi Mann and Yellinek, Et al (2021) The New Chinese Oil Benchmark: Implications for the Middle East Middle East Policy, Volume27, Issue 4, Winter 2020
Roie Yellinek, Et al (2021) Out of sight… out of mind: China’s Soft Power Pipes Drilling Strategy in Israel, Social Issues in Israel, forthcoming.
Rabbi Pinhas Cohen has worked as a classroom educator and principal at elementary schools, yeshivas, and girls’ high schools. He has served as a neighborhood caregiver in the welfare department and as director of the well-being visiting unit (the first ultra-Orthodox unit in the country). Rabbi Cohen was the director of the first Haredi youth promotion unit in the country. He served as chairman of the urban youth movement “Derchei HaTorah,” which has approximately 2000 members.  He was the Ministry of Education’s national facilitator in the field of promoting youth to the ultra-Orthodox sector.  In addition, Cohen has served as a synagogue rabbi and educational and family counselor.
Dr. Noam Hoffman serves as the Director of Academic Development in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.  He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education and Social Sciences and in the Department of Jewish Studies.  
(with Ron Margolin), ‘A Kabbalist in the Histadrut: R. Yehudah Zvi Brandwein, Disciple of R. Yehudah Leib Ashlag’, in: Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mysticism, 38 (2017) 83-116.
'Ger Tzedek and Ger Toshav: Two Attitudes on Joining the Jewish People in Maimonides' Code of Law', in: Yedidya Stern, Shahar Lifshitz, Hanoch Dagan (eds.), Judaism, Sovereignty and Human Rights, (2019), 17-48.
Dr. Dovi Weiss is the pedagogical founder of the educational initiative “Eit Hada’at” (Time To Know). He is the winner of the Prime Minister’s Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2012). Before coming to Ono, Dr. Weiss was the head of the field of digital pedagogy and the director of the master’s degree program in educational technology at the Kibbutzim College of Education. He holds a master’s degree from Boston University in Educational Technology and is a Graduate of the Mandel School of Educational Leadership. Dr. Weiss earned his Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University in teaching mathematics and science. He was selected as one of the 50 most influential people in the field of education in Israel.
וייס, ד. (2017). כיתה הפוכה למידה והעמקה בחומר בקורסי מבוא רבי משתתפים. הוראה - באקדמיה, 7 , 39-40
Weiss D., Bitan K. (2018). Promoting a Meaningful Learning Experience with a Born-Digital Interactive e-book and Digital Teaching Platform. International Journal of Learning and Teaching: Vol 4, No. 3.,255-258.
Dr. Anan Abo Saleh Khawaled is a full-time lecturer, member of the teaching committee, and academic mentor for “Atid” groups at Ono’s Haifa campus. She also serves as a member of the board of directors of the Victimology Association. Dr. Abo Saleh Khawaled was a social worker in the welfare department for 11 years, working in various positions, including social worker for girls in distress, coordinator of a home for girls, social worker for women and intake coordinator, welfare clerk for youth, and comprehensive social worker. She also worked as a counselor for sex education and as a social worker and caregiver for at-risk children and youth In out-of-home settings for ten years. Dr. Abo Saleh Khawaled has served as director of the National Program for Children and Adolescents at Risk for ten years, as a lecturer at the Ono Academic College, and as an instructor of teams and professionals in the fields of CBT and parental counseling.
אבו סאלח, ע. (2005). קשר בין תמיכה חברתית להסתגלות לגירושין בקרב חברה ערבית מוסלמית בישראל. אוניברסיטת תל אביב. בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית ע"ש בוב שאפל. תל אביב.
אבו סאלח, ע. (2012). תפיסת ומשמעות נציגי הסיוע את בעיית האלימות המינית בקרב נערות פלסטיניות בישראל. מתוך: דראסאת: המרכז הערבי למשפט ומדיניות. נצרת. ערבית
Dr. Zach Slor is the Director of the At-Risk Youth Track in Ono’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences. He also serves as Director of the Education for the Treatment Commission for Youth-at-Risk in the Hila Program of Israel’s Ministry of Education. Previously, Dr. Slor co-founded “Global SHIELD (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Emergency Leadership Development)” and served as its & VP of Research & Development. He serves as a Colonel (res.) in the IDF’s Home Front Command.
Gidron, Y, Slor, Z, Toderas, S, Herz, G & Friedman, S. (2015). Effects of psychological inoculation on indirect road hostility and simulated driving. Transportation Research, Part F, 153-162.
Groningen, The Netherlands (08/12): 5th International Conference On Traffic And Transport Psychology, “Background Music As A Risk Factor For Distraction Among Young Drivers: And IVDR Study” (With Z. Slor).

Faculty of Health Professions

Prof. Shlomo Noy, M.D., Ph.D., Ono’s Dean of the School of Health Professions, was instrumental in the establishment of the school and continues to be its leader. Prof. Noy received his Ph.D. in Health Policy from Tel Aviv University and his M.D. from the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School. After serving as a medical doctor in the Israeli Naval Forces, he received his M.B.A. from INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France. He has served as the Associate Dean and as a Professor at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Department of Epidemiology and Health Care Policy. Prof. Noy was VP for Research and Development and Director of Rehabilitation at Sheba Medical Center for 25 years, where he also served as Acting Director. He is Chairman of the Tel Hashomer LTD tech transfer company of Sheba Medical Center. As a physician, board certified in Psychiatry and Health Care Management, Prof. Noy has decades of experience in psychiatry, clinical medical research in epidemiology, promoting research at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center, health care management, medical education and management processes and change in medicine and medical research, on both the international and national levels. He has published more than 80 articles, book chapters, and books.
Prof. Yalon Chamovitz is an Occupational Therapist and a licensed service accessibility provider. She heads the Israeli Institute for Cognitive Accessibility of the Ami Association and Ono Academic College. For many years she served as a consultant in the field of intellectual disabilities to the Equal Rights Commission for Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry of Justice. She is a member of the Disability Studies Forum and is active in promoting the rights of people with disabilities in Israel. She has developed a unique model for accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities and has published various articles in the field of cognitive accessibility and lectures on these topics at conferences in Israel and around the world.
Yalon-Chamovitz, S. (2000). Practical intelligence: The cognitive underpinning of occupation. In: Annals of the 6th European Congress of Occupational Therapy. Paris: ERGO. Pp.38-39
Yalon-Chamovitz, S. (2009). Invisible access needs of people with intellectual disabilities: A conceptual model of practice. Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 47, 395-400.
Ph.D. Department of Communications Disorders, Tel Aviv University; B.Sc. and M.Sc. Department of Communications Disorders, Tel Aviv University. Speech therapist; Deputy Director of the Speech and Hearing Center, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Expert in the connection between hearing problems and speech and learning disabilities. Leading researcher in the field of hearing and language processing among people with hearing, reading, and learning disabilities.
Putter-Katz H., Adi-Ben Said L., Feldman I, Hildesheimer M. Effects of speech in noise and dichotic listening intervention programs on central auditory processing disorders. Journal of Basic & Clinical Physiology & Pharmacology, 2008, 19: 301- 316.
Ahissar M., Lubin Y., Putter-Katz H., Banai K. Dyslexia and the failure to form a perceptual anchor. Nature Neuroscience, 2006 Dec;9(12):1558-64.
Dr. Naomi Ferziger is an occupational therapist and an expert in the field of neuroscience. She is a member of the highest professional committee of the occupational therapy profession in Israel.
Ferziger, N.B., Nemet P., Brezner A., Feldman R., Galili G., & Zivotofsky A.Z. (2010). Visual Assessment in Children Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy: Implementation of a Functional Questionnaire, Developmental Medicine, and Child Neurology, 5, 422-428.
Ferziger, N.B., Katz, N., Goldberg-Meyer, S., & Katz, M. (2013). A Survey to Identify and Characterize the Use of Assistive Technology to Improve Function among People with Intellectual Disabilities. http://www.kshalem.org.il/pages/item/404.
Dr. Ella Been is a physiotherapist and expert in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with developmental problems. She engages in interdisciplinary research that combines clinical knowledge as a physiotherapist with anatomical knowledge and understanding of human evolution in order to study and understand the posture and means of walking of ancient man.
Been E, Peleg S, Marom A, and Barash A. 2010. Morphology and Function of the Lumbar Spine of the Kebara 2 Neanderthal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142 (4): 549-557.
Been E, Li L, Hunter DJ, and Kalichman L. 2011. Geometry of the vertebral bodies and the intervertebral discs in lumbar segments adjacent to spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis: pilot study. European Spine Journal 20 (7): 1159-1165.
Dr. Naama Katz Head of the Teaching Development Unit at Ono Academic College Faculty member in the Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Professions Bachelor’s and Doctoral degrees from the University of Haifa Master’s degree from Tel Aviv University Postdoctoral research at the University of Hertfordshire, UK Faculty member in the Faculty of Health Professions since 2010. Teaches in various faculties aiming to improve interpersonal communication skills. Specializes in applied teaching methods such as: Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Facilitating emotional groups Using simulations in classrooms Expert in simulations focusing on communication skills in various work environments. Research areas include characteristics of beneficial communication between crime victims and lawyers, and the development of communication skills. Leader of the Alumni Organization for the Faculty of Health Professions. Passionate about teaching and excited by meaningful encounters with students. In her current role, she aims to be a resource for all lecturers in the organization, enabling them to bring out the best teacher within themselves.  
Pogach, D., Katz, N., Lavock- Gal, D., Katz, N. (2016). 'When I grow up, I hope to influence just like you "- Legal and occupational assistance as means of minimizing crime victims' secondary victimization and enhancing their wellbeing." Hamishpat "- The law journal, The College of Management's Haim Stricks School of Law .
Katz, N., Breuer, N., Tenth, M., Spiegler, J., Goldman, N., Abramovich, A., (2012). "For me with myself" - a tool for self-mapping of ethical dilemmas in occupational therapy. An Israeli journal for occupational therapy. H185-H200.
Dr. Orly Toren is engaged in many broad management positions in the medical and nursing systems. In addition, she has a rich academic background in teaching and writing. Dr. Toren wrote the first book on nursing management in Hebrew and several chapters in the international literature on the health system in Israel. She is an expert in policy and management on behalf of the Ministry of Health and specializes in researching health and nursing policy in Israel.
(DeKeyser- Ganz, F., Margalith, I., Benbinishty, J., Hirschfeld, M., Wagner, N., Toren, O. (2018). A Conflict of Values: Nurses' Willingness to Work under Threatening Conditions. Journal of Nursing Scholarship (accepted).
Toren O., Lipschuetz, M, (2016). M. Health and Healthcare in Israel. In the Global Health, Issues and Policies. C. Holtz Eds. Jones and Bartlett Publishers., Boston, MA.
Dr. Orit Lahav heads the Laboratory for Teaching and Learning Research in the Department of Occupational Therapy. She is responsible for the field of social involvement and for teaching in the Department of Occupational Therapy using the Problem-Based Learning method. Dr. Lahav is the founder and academic consultant of the Center for Academic Support and Accessibility at Ono Academic College. She is active in the UDL group and disseminates the approach among college lecturers. Dr. Lahav is a lecturer at conferences in Israel and around the world. She managed the Forum of Occupational Therapists Specialists in Learning Disabilities on behalf of the Israeli Association for Occupational Therapy.
Lahav, O., Katz, N. & Yalon-Chamovitz, S. (2015). Changes in occupational therapy students' attitudes towards people with disabilities: The importance of firsthand experience. Israel Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24, 1.
Lahav, O. Ben-Simon, A., Inbar-Weiss, N., & Katz, N. (2015). Weekly Calendar Planning Activity for university students: comparison of Individuals with and without ADHD by gender. Journal of Attention Disorder, 2, 1-11. Doi: 10.1177 / 1087054714564621. IP- 2.397.
Dr. Assaf Lev is an anthropologist of sports. His doctoral dissertation focuses on long-distance runners in mid-life. In addition, his research deals with the connection between body age and pain. Dr. Lev is also a sports therapist and a former professional basketball player in the Premier League.
[Hertzog, E. & Lev, A. (2018). Age in the eyes of the beholder - ageism in gyms. Gerontology & Geriatrics. [Hebrew]
Lev, A., & Hertzog, E. (2017). Typology of gender resistance and defiance in Israeli gyms. Sport in Society
Dr. Gila Tubul-Lavy has been a communication clinician since 1985. She served as a communication clinician instructor at MTA Rehovot as a district and national instructor. In addition, she is a lecturer in the Department of Communication Disorders at the Ono Academic College and operates a private clinic.
Bauminger-Zviely, N., Golan-Itshaky, A., & Tubul-Lavy, G. (2017). Speech Acts During Friends ’and Non-friends’ Spontaneous Conversations in Preschool Dyads with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder versus Typical Development. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 47 (5), 1380-139. IF = 2.58.
Tubul-Lavy, G. (2015). Imitation and naming in childhood apraxia of speech. International Journal of Speech & Language Pathology and Audiology, 3, 32-39.
Dr. Yael Zilbershlag served as head of occupational therapy in the geriatric system in the Central District of Maccabi Health Services, managed occupational therapy services in several nursing homes and day centers, and served as a board member of Agam Clinic (multi-professional geriatric diagnostic services).
Efrat Harf Elmakias is a Certified physiotherapist with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from Tel Aviv University and a master’s degree in “Graduate Preschool Studies” (Schwartz Program) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She graduated with a degree in Pediatric Neurology from Tel Aviv University and is an expert in developmental therapy, rehabilitation, and motor learning. She is a Certified clinical instructor, parent counselor, and professional-educational staff.
Dr. Aviah Gvion received her Ph.D. from the School of Education, Tel Aviv University, and her M.A. and B.A. degrees from the School of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University, cum laude. She is the Director of the Department of Communication Disorders at Reut Medical Center in Tel Aviv. In addition, Dr. Gvion served as a communication clinician at Levinstein Hospital, an adult care clinic, and as a district communication clinician at Dan – Petah Tikva District, Clalit Health Fund. She is also a lecturer in the Department of Communication Disorders at Tel Aviv University, previously lecturing at Bar Ilan University.
Friedmann, N., & Gvion, A. (2002). FriGvi: Friedmann Gvion battery for assessment of phonological Working Memory. Tel Aviv University. (in Hebrew)
Friedmann, N. & Gvion, A. TILTAN: Battery for the diagnosis of dyslexias. Tel Aviv University, 2003. (in Hebrew)
Prof. Gabi Zeilig is the Director of Ono’s M.A. Program in Health Sciences and Rehabilitation. Prof. Zeilig is a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation (with an emphasis on neurological rehabilitation). He is also an Associate Professor in the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. From 1999 to 2020, he served as the director of the Department of Neurological Rehabilitation at the Haim Sheba Medical Center – Tel Hashomer. Zeilig serves as a senior physician at the Beit Halochem, supporting 5,500 disabled IDF veterans, and as an advisor to the IDF’s Chief Medical Officer on neurological rehabilitation issues.  Between 2005 and 2015, he served as a member of the Scientific Committee for Licensing in Rehabilitation, and between 2005 and 2010, as a member of the Scientific Committee for Licensing in Medical Management and Occupational Medicine.

Special Academic Assistance

Prof. Yalon Chamovitz is an Occupational Therapist and a licensed service accessibility provider. She heads the Israeli Institute for Cognitive Accessibility of the Ami Association and Ono Academic College. For many years she served as a consultant in the field of intellectual disabilities to the Equal Rights Commission for Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry of Justice. She is a member of the Disability Studies Forum and is active in promoting the rights of people with disabilities in Israel. She has developed a unique model for accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities and has published various articles in the field of cognitive accessibility and lectures on these topics at conferences in Israel and around the world.
Yalon-Chamovitz, S. (2000). Practical intelligence: The cognitive underpinning of occupation. In: Annals of the 6th European Congress of Occupational Therapy. Paris: ERGO. Pp.38-39
Yalon-Chamovitz, S. (2009). Invisible access needs of people with intellectual disabilities: A conceptual model of practice. Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 47, 395-400.

The School of Business Administration

Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College, and the School of Science & Technology . The faculty is the largest in Israel with more than 5,000 students and about 500 lecturers. Served as a full professor at the faculty of engineering, in Ben-Gurion University. Professional skills are in the field of conflict and risk modeling with application to a variety of problems in economic, business, politics, and technology.
To Profile or Not?, Risk Analysis, June, 2023, pp. 1-16
Analysis of the SOX Ban on Non-Audit Services from an Auction Model Perspective, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, August 2019, pp. 1-14.
Professor Moshe Ben Horin is Ono’s President and an expert in the field of finance and capital markets. Previously he was Ono’s Chancellor, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, and a Professor of Business Administration. In addition, Prof. Ben Horin was Head of the Investments and Audit Committees and a member of the board of directors Harel-Pia Mutual Fund Management, Ltd. He formerly served in similar positions at Leumi-Pia (Bank Leumi) and Lahak (Bank Hapoalim). Before joining Ono Academic College full-time, Prof. Ben Horin was a Hebrew University faculty member in Jerusalem. He also headed the executive training program for many years. In addition, he has been a visiting lecturer at Harvard University, the University of Florida, McGill University, and the People’s University of China. Prof. Ben Horin earned his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Business Administration, New York University, his MA in economics at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his BA in Social Sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Moshe Ben-Horin and Yoram Kroll, "IRR, NPV and PI: Reconciliation", Advances in Financial Education, (Fall 2010), Vol. 8, issues 1 & 2: (88-105).
Joseph Tzur and Moshe Ben-Horin, "A Note on the Present Value of a Loan", Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, Vol. 8 issue 1 (Fall 2012): 37-53.
Dr. Eyal Rechter is a researcher and organizational consultant. He specializes in motivation and feedback processes, evaluation and development of employees, and positive psychology applications in organizations. In addition,  Dr. Rechter has extensive experience consulting for measurement and evaluation processes in organizations. In the past, Dr. Rechter served as an economist in the budget department of the Interior Ministry.
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration Head of Organizational Behavior Research Department Faculty Seminar Coordinator
Pica, G., Milyavsky, M., Pierro, A., & Kruglanski, A. (2021). Epistemic Bases of Opinion and Choice Change: Joint Effects of Need for Cognitive Closure and of Ascribed Epistemic Authority. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(4-5), 690-702. Impact Factor: 3.9.
Milyavsky, M. & Kruglanski, A., Gelfand, M., Chernikova, M., Ellenberg, M., & Pierro, A. (2022) People Who Need People (and Some Who Think They Don’t): On Compensatory Personal and Social Means of Goal Pursuit. Psychological Inquiry, 33(1), 1-22. Impact Factor: 9.3.
Researcher, Lecturer and Strategic Consultant to  leading  Israeli  and  multinational  firms. Formerly Vice President  and Chief Executive Officer of leading Israeli industrial and commercial firms.
Ref, Ohad. (2015). The relationship between product and geographic diversification: A fine-grained analysis of its different patterns. Journal of International Management, 21(2), 83–99
Ref, Ohad., Shapira, Zur. (2017). Entering new markets: The effect of performance feedback near aspiration and well below and above it. Strategic Management Journal, 38(7) 1416-1434.
Dr. Gil Avnimelech is a senior lecturer and the director of the entrepreneurship center at Ono Academic College. From 2021-2023 he was the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Between 2015 and 2020 he was the Vice Dean for Research. Dr. Avnimelech teaches entrepreneurship and innovation at Ono Academic College and Tel Aviv University. Dr. Avnimelech is one of the leading researchers of the Israeli innovative ecosystem. His research focuses on entrepreneurship, accelerators, open innovation, lean startup, venture capital, cluster development, and innovation policy. Gil has published over 30 articles in leading academic journals, over 15 chapters in academic books and received several research grants. Dr. Avnimelech is continually involved in the Israeli entrepreneurial ecosystem as a consultant, mentor, lecturer, and researcher. He also managed the StartOno accelerator for three cohorts. Before his academic position at Ono Academic College, Dr. Avnimelech worked with Prof. Maryann Feldman as a post-doctoral research associate at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Gil conducted his Ph.D. at the School of Management, Ben Gurion University. Gil has an MA thesis in Strategy and a BA in Economics from the Hebrew University.
Dr. Ornoy Hana is the Faculty of Business Administration Academic Director at Ono Campus Jerusalem ,Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) campuses and Haifa Campus (MBA). She is the Former substitute Dean of the School of Business and Head of Internship at the Jerusalem Academic Institute of the Lander Institute. Additionally, she is the Teaching coordinator in the MBA program at the Open University, and Senior Advisor to Organizations in International Management.
The relocation journey - a mission trip in a foreign culture. Rimonim. The Israeli Director in the Global World Volume One (of Asian and African Countries,2011) Volume Two (European Countries, 2015) Third Volume (American and Oceania Countries,2018). Rimonim.
Personality Types of Project Managers and their Success: A Field Survey. Project Management Journal.44(3)78-87,
Public Director of the company “Africa Residential,” a subsidiary of the Africa Israel Group, the largest residential construction company in Israel (2006-2012). Independent real estate entrepreneur – evacuation/construction projects in Jerusalem and Rehovot, residential real estate transactions, financial advice, and business development for retail and real estate companies. Previously, co-founder of “Academia” educational publishing, developing applications and content in e-learning, producing online courses that include teaching, practice, and final exams in a variety of courses in economics and computer science.
Marketing and economic consultant to many companies and organizations. Chief Financial Officer at Clementina design group. In charge of the physical and social budgets at the Jerusalem Municipality. Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance and Chairman of the State Audit Committee. Department of Banking Supervision, Economic and Statistical Survey.
Bar-Hillel, M., Budescu, D.V. & Amar, M. (2008) Predicting World Cup results: Do goals seem more likely when they pay off? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15(2), 278-283.
Amar Moty, Ariely Dan, Ayal Shahar, Cryder Cindy and Rick Scott. (2011), “Winning the Battle but Losing the War: The Psychology of Debt Management.” Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 38-50.
Since 10/17 – Academic Manager of the Faculty of Business Administration in Haifa.
Ruvio, A., Gavish, Y., & Shoham, A. (2013), “Consumer's Doppelganger: A Role Model Perspective on International Mimicry”, Journal of Consumer Behavior, 12(1), 60-69
Gavish, I., Gavish, Y. (2021). Using COVID-19 Symbols in Anti-Smoking Fear Appeal Advertisements for Encouraging Smoking Cessation among Israeli Smokers. International .Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20)
Gitit Gur Gershgoren performed as the Chief Economist and Director of the Economic Department of the Securities and Exchange Commission; Deputy Director of the Compensation Fund in Chief Scientist. Additionally, she served as a member of the Public Committee for the Study of Competitiveness in the Economy, the Committee for the Improvement of Trade and Liquidity on the Exchange, and the Inter-Ministry Committee for the Promotion of Investment in Public Companies operating in R&D.
Dror Y. Kenett, Tobias Preis, Gitit Gur-Gershgoren, Eshel Ben-Jacob (2012), Dependency Network and Node Influence: Application To the Study of Financial Markets, International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos 22(7), 1250181.
Dror Y. Kenett, Tobias Preis, Gitit Gur-Gershgoren, Eshel Ben-Jacob (2012), Quantifying Meta–Correlations In Financial Markets, Europhysics Letters 99, 38001.
Dr. Sarit Greiver is an esteemed Economics Lecturer.
Nurit Dabush is an accomplished individual who has been the Finance Director and worked with Bank Yahav, TransIsrael Road Corp., Ha’Meshakem One-Stop-Shop for Professional and Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Kesaria Foundation. In addition, she is a member of Public Committees: Committee on Drug Basket, Committee on the Selection of Independence Day Torch Lighting Candidates, Chairwoman of the Second Television and Radio Authority, Chairwoman of the Habima National Theater, spokeswoman and director of advertising and public relations of the Israel Soldier Association.
Miriam Dishon-Berkovits, Ph.D., is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College, Israel. She earned her Ph.D. in psychology at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and specialized in organizational, social, and cognitive psychology. She is the recipient of the prestigious Rothschild fellowship for post-doctoral research and did her post-doc at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University. Miriam has taught a wide range of courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels and is the academic coordinator of several courses. She has been appointed to various committees and has experience in the private sector. Miriam is a regular reviewer for organizational behavior and organizational psychology journals and conferences, for which she was awarded certificates of excellence. She is also a member of major professional/scientific international societies. Her current research interests focus on job resources and demands, work-family interface, organizational justice, burnout, motivation processes, goal attainment and goal setting, altruistic punishment, and artificial intelligence simulations of social phenomena. Miriam presents her research at numerous international conferences and meetings and publishes in refereed scientific journals. Miriam has extensive experience in communicating scientific psychological findings to the general audience. She was a project and science manager in a university company that developed psychology educational materials for high school students. Additionally, Miriam is the author of a widely cited psychology column in the popular Hebrew science magazine Galileo.  Miriam regularly volunteers in several school development activities in the community. Miriam is also the author of a bestselling children’s book.
In January 2018, Professor Hauser completed his position as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prof. Hauser’s tenure is characterized by activism, increased enforcement, and the opening of criminal proceedings against senior executives. Hauser holds a bachelor’s degree in statistics and economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1980) and a master’s degree in finance from the Hebrew University (1982). He received his doctorate from Temple University in Philadelphia in 1986. In 2005, Hauser was appointed full professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. From 1988 to 1987, Hauser worked as an economist at the Bank of Israel. From 2005 to 1989, he served as the Chief Economist of the Securities and Exchange Commission and was an active partner in designing all reforms in the capital market. He chaired two public committees named after him – the Commission for Regulating the Activities of Market Traders on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (2002) and the Committee for Minimizing Capital Market manipulation (2004). In addition, Hauser advised the Knesset Economics Committee, chaired by MK Moshe Kahlon, on bank fees (2007) and was a member of a public committee chaired by Professor Uriel Procaccia to regulate alternative trading arenas in the capital market (2001). In addition to his work at the Securities and Exchange Commission, Hauser has developed an academic career as a lecturer and researcher in the fields of business administration and the capital market. From 2001 to 1987, he served as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University’s School of Management. In addition, from 1995 to 1990, he served as a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s School of Management. Since 1995 he has been a member of the Faculty of Management at Ben Gurion University of the Negev: first, as a senior lecturer, then as an associate professor, and from 2005 as a full professor. In 2006 he was awarded the Ben-Gurion University Outstanding Scientist Award. In addition, Hauser has published dozens of research papers on the Israeli capital market, published in journals such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, and more. After leaving the Securities and Exchange Commission, Hauser founded and headed a capital market consulting firm, chaired a hundred-year-old genius for market making, chaired a venture capital firm, and was a director at Maalot – a publicly traded bond rating company. Hauser was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Business at the Ono Academic College while continuing his tenure as a full professor in the Faculty of Management at Ben-Gurion University. Additionally, Hauser served as a member of the Council for Higher Education from 2017-2012.
Brenner M., Eldor R. and S. Hauser, "The Price of Options Illiquidity", Journal of Finance 56(2), 2001, 791-807
Amihud Y., Hauser S. and A. Kirsh, "Adverse Selection and Cascades in IPOs: Evidence From Israel", Journal of Financial Economics 68(1), 2003, 137-158
Tsipi Heart acquired her Ph.D. at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, her MBA from Tel-Aviv University, and her B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. After serving as CIO at local and international hotel chains for nearly fifteen years, Prof. Heart has worked as a consultant on information technology strategy, implementation, and use, as well as software quality assurance and software process improvement. Among her customers were the Israeli Chemical Industries (ICL), El-Al, and EDS Israel. After spending two years at University College Cork, Ireland, she held a lecturer and researcher position at the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. As of 2012, Prof. Heart serves as a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Business Administration, Ono Academic College. She became head of the information systems program and then Head of the School of Computer Science and Information Systems in 2019. Her research interests include data analytics in general, and in the healthcare industry in particular, information systems strategy, adoption, and implementation, technological innovation in general, and Software as a Service (SaaS) in particular, and information systems implementation and use in healthcare. Prof. Heart has presented academic papers at numerous conferences, including the prestigious European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) and the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Her publications appear in various academic journals, such as The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Health Policy and Technology, The Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, Patient Education and Counseling (PEC), International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI), the Medical Decision Making (MDM), Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, among others.
Hassid, S. Heart T., Reychav, I., Pliskin J., and Reis S., 2013, " Existing instruments for assessing physician communication skills: Are they valid in a computerized setting?", Patient Education and Counseling (PEC), Volume 93, Issue 3, Pages 363–366. (I.F – 2.6).
Israeli E., Ribak D., Heart T., 2015, “Evaluating the Feasibility of Using Tablets in Emergency Departments”, the International Journal of of Networking and Virtual Organizations (IJNVO, IF=0.5) Volume 16, Issue 2, pp. 124-142
Miriam Haran is the Principal Assistant Director of the Center for Applied Environmental Research at Hunter College, University of New York, United States. She has also been a researcher at universities and companies in Israel and worldwide, the Chairwoman of the Remco Green Fund Advisory Committee of the Remco Investment House, and Chief Scientist of the Venture Capital Fund: “TAMARIX.” Miriam Haran has been integral in developing solutions for the food, paper, textile, and microelectronics industries. Additionally, she’s the former CEO, VP of Industries, and Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Environment. In recent years, she has been a member of numerous committees on environmental issues, such as Chair of the Tel Aviv-Israel Partnership Environment Committee, a member of an expert committee on clean air law at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and a member of the Sustainability Project 2030 at the Israel Institute for Research. Dr. Miriam Haran is the Chairwoman of the Israeli Consumer Council, a member of the Board of Directors of the Technology Company of Ben Gurion University – BGN, the Jerusalem Institute of Israel Research, and the Director of the IDF. Director of the “Environmental Services Company.”
M. Nitay (Haran) and M. Rosenblum (1977), “Importance of Cationic Assistance in the Reaction of M 5(C6H5Fe(CO2)2) Salts with Epoxides”, Journal of Organo-Metallic Chemistry 136, C23.
M. Nitay (Haran), W. Priester and M. Rosenblum (1978), “Lithium Ion Promotion in the Synthesis of Novel Dinuclear Iron-Carbyne Complexes”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 100, 620.
Dr. Smadar Siev is a faculty member at the School of Business Administration at the Ono Academic College, teaches courses in the field of finance and accounting. Her main research areas are behavioral finance and behavioral economics. Her master’s and doctorate degrees are from the Department of Economics at Haifa University, and her B.Sc. in computer science at the Technion. Lecturer in undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Haifa since 2006. Before her academic career, she worked as a software engineer and senior analyst at a brokerage firm.
• Aharon, D. Y., & Siev, S. (2021). COVID-19, government interventions and emerging capital markets performance. Research in International Business and Finance, 58, 101492
• Siev, S. (2021). The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer: social media and the Post-IPO Behavior of Investors in Biotechnology Firms: The Relationship with Twitter Volume. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(10), 456.‏
Prof. Yaron Zelekha is currently the Director of Accountancy Studies at Ono Academic College. Over the past two decades, he has held other positions at Ono, including President of the Higher Academic Council, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, and Academic Director of the MBA Degree Program. He earned his Ph.D. in Macroeconomics at Bar-Ilan University. He is a prominent economist and accountant with extensive experience in academic teaching and in both business and public sectors. Prof. Zelekha has held a wide range of important positions in Israel, contributing greatly to the establishment of many of Israel’s infrastructural firms. From 2003 – 2007 Prof. Zelekha completed a full term as the Accountant General of the State of Israel. Prior to this, Prof. Zelekha was the Senior VP and CFO of Derech Eretz Highways, Israel’s first toll highway, during the critical years of its establishment. He was VP and CFO of Tevel Telecom in Israel’s first years of cable TV entering the telecommunication market and Head of Strategy and Business Planning at Partner Orange Telecommunications in the early years of cellular communication. While Benjamin Netanyahu was Prime Minister from 1996-1998, Prof. Zelekha served as his Director of the Economic Staff. Prof. Zelekha has published more than 40 articles in academic and professional journals worldwide. Before his term as Accountant General, he was chairman of the Board of Directors of M.I. Holdings and of Inbal Insurance and served on the Board of Directors of the Eilat Corp and The National Refineries. He also served as a Member of the Banks Commissioner Advisory Board, on the Banks Competition Committee as Chairman, Credit Card Competition Committee as Chairman, The Economic Organization’s Coordination Board as a Member of the Macro Economic Committee, The Israeli Airlines Privatization Committee as Coordinator, The Israeli E-Gov Committee and many other public committees.
Zelekha, Y., Yaakobi, E. and G. Avnimelech, 2018, "Attachment Orientations and Entrepreneurship", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, forthcoming.
Zelekha, Y., Avnimelech, G. and E. Sharabi, 2014, "The Effect of Religion on Entrepreneurship", Small Business Economics 42 (4), 747-767
Organizational consulting and development, research.
Mikulincer, M., Gillath, O., Sapir-Lavid, Y., Yaakobi, E., Arias, K., Tal-Aloni, L., & Bor, G. (2003). Attachment theory and concern for others' welfare: Evidence that activation of the sense of secure base promotes endorsement of self-transcendence values. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 25(4), 299-312.
Yaakobi, E. (2012). Interaction with children as a means of coping with the fear of death among elderly people. Gerontology: Journal of Aging Studies. 77-94.
Member of the Faculty of Business at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, editor of international journals, judge of scientific papers for international journals such as Food Quality and Preference, British Food Journal. Member of the Faculty of Marketing at the University of South Australia. Lecturer in graduate programs in wine and alcoholic beverages business in Bordeaux, France and Hong Kong. Member of the Steering Committee of the Wine Academy, holding scientific conferences in the field. He conducted international courses in Israel on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, consulting in the food industry and chemistry in implementing quality management systems.
Cohen, E. and Saguy, I. 1988. Spectral Characteristics of Citrus Products. in: "Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, Vol. 8: Analysis of Nonalcoholic Beverages" (Linskens, H.F. and Jackson, J.F. Eds.) pp. 69-79, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
Researcher at Ichilov Hospital in the Department of Molecular Epidemiology. Previously, conducted research collaboration on a unique project with the Israel Police Department of Forensics. Has extensive experience in microbial ecology of ecosystems and bacterial physiology. Publication of articles in important scientific journals in the field.
Lerner, A., Castro-Sowinski, S., Lerner, H., Okon, Y., Burdman, S. 2009. Glycogen phosphorylase is involved in stress endurance and biofilm formation in Azospirillum brasilense Sp7. FEMS Microbiology Letters 300:75-82.
Lerner, A., Valverde, A., Castro-Sowinski, S., Lerner, H., Okon, Y., Burdman, S. 2010. Phenotypic variation in Azospirillum brasilense exposed to starvation. Environmental Microbiology Reports 2:577–586.
Financial Advisor, Member, Investment Committee, and Board of Directors of Pension Fund and Entrepreneur in start-ups. Previously: Director of economic units in the Quarrying Authority, Treasurer, and economic manager of Kibbutz Shefayim. Director of Collective Companies, Chairman. CEO and director of financial and industrial bodies. Chairman of the CRA’s Certification Committee.
Kroll Y. and S. Shoukair (2013) "The Factors for Dutch Disease in the Palestinian Economy." International Journal of Business & Economic Development 1, 75-93.
Ben Horin M. and Y. Kroll (2013) "Performance Measurement of Portfolios and the Return to Investors." (Hebrew). The Accountant, December, 60-69.
Avi Mazor is the director of a China-based Diadem company, which initiates and manages projects in China with the participation of foreign and Chinese companies and the mentorship of entrepreneurs and startups. Prior to this, he worked as a Managing Partner at Telesoft Partners Venture Capital, Silicon Valley, USA; Managing Director at Motorola Ventures – Motorola USA’s international investment arm; Authorized Contractor of the World Bank-USA; VP of Investments at Aura Investments -Israel; Director of Investment and Business Development at RDC – Israel, and senior researcher at RAFAEL.
A. Ben Mizrachi and D.J. Bergman,1981, "Non-Universal Critical Behavior of Random Resistor Networks with a Singular Distribution of Conductance”, J. Phys. C : Solid State Physc. 14, 909
A. Ben-Mizrachi and I. Procaccia, 1983, " Microscopic Derivation of Non-Linear Hydrodynamics in Ordered Systems with Applications to Nematic Liquid Crystals", Phy. Rev. A 27, 2126
Prof. Tayla Miron-Shatz is a social psychologist specializing in medical decision-making and digital health. She has extensive experience in the fields of research and teaching in the academy as well as in industry – consulting for pharma companies, advertising agencies specializing in health, start-ups, and healthcare corporations. Prof. Miron-Shatz has over sixty academic publications on medical decision-making and happiness. She taught consumer behavior at the Wharton Business School (ranked number one in the world, 2011 – 2008). She is a Full Professor at the Ono Academic College and a Visiting Researcher at the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge. Her book, Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices about Your Health, was published by Basic Books in 2021. Her personal website is: https://www.talyamironshatz.com
Miron-Shatz, T., Bhargave, R., & Doniger, G. M. (2015). Milestone Age Affects the Role of Health and Emotions in Life Satisfaction: A Preliminary Inquiry. PloS one, 10(8), e0133254.
Konheim‐Kalkstein, Y. L., Whyte, R., Miron‐Shatz, T., & Stellmack, M. A. (2015). What are VBAC Women Seeking and Sharing? A Content Analysis of Online Discussion Boards. Birth, 42(3), 277-282.
Management consulting and training in dozens of companies in Israel and around the world, including Google, IBM, the Bank of Israel, Melnox, Pitango, Marvel, National Bank, HP, Amdocs, and Indigo. Visiting lecturer at Northwestern University. Previously, he served as head of the M.B.A. program for administrators at the Hebrew University and Ono Academic College.
Tenbrunsel A.E., Brett J.M., Maoz E., Stroh L.K., and Reily A.H., (1995). “Dynamic and Static Work-Family Relationships”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63 (3), 233-246.
Maoz E., and Tybout A.M. (2002), “The Moderating Role of Involvement and Differentiation in the Evaluation of Brand Extensions”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(2), 119-131.
Eilam-Shamir, G. (2009) Job insecurity in a period of organizational downsizing and its managerial implications. In Yaakobi, E. & Eilam-Shamir, G. (Eds.), Management in Times of Uncertainty. Ono College. pp. 65-178. (In Hebrew). Bruch, H., Shamir, B.,
Eilam Shamir, G. & Yaakobi, E. (2009) Management under Uncertainty, Ono Academic College
Arie Fouren received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Technion, Haifa — Israel’s leading technological university. Since 2001 he has taught in the Faculty of Business Administration and in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Ono Academic College, Israel. Dr. Fouren’s research interests are distributed algorithms and fault-tolerant computing. He has published in leading journals, including the Journal of the ACM, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Distributed Computing, and SIAM Journal on Computing. He has presented his research at international conferences, including the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), the International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), and the International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS). Dr. Fouren served as a Journal Reviewer for The Journal of Distributed Computing and for The Journal of Association of Computer Machinery (ACM). He has received three Ono Academic College awards for teaching excellence and Best Student Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing (DISC2000), Toledo, Spain.
H. Attiya and A. Fouren: “Adaptive and Efficient Wait-Free Algorithms for Lattice Agreement and Renaming,'' Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1998.
Y. Afek, H. Attiya, A. Fouren, G. Stupp and D. Touitou: “Long-Lived Renaming Made Adaptive,'' Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1999.
Lecturer in undergraduate and graduate programs in Business Administration at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. 1996-2001 – EBRD & World Bank – Privatization and financing of projects in the power plants and electricity companies of the former Soviet Union. 1989-1987- Israel Corporation, an analyst in the field of mergers and acquisitions. 1987-1985 – Migdal assistant insurance company chief investment manager. 1985-1980 – Discount Bank International Division – Economist Division.
Initiated and established the Amex-Interdisciplinary Center Club. Dr. Zellermayer established and supported the Zoom Institute for Market Research. Serves as director and head of financial reports and audits at Delek Automotive Systems, Ford Importer, Mazda, and BMW. Served as Head of Marketing Strategy at the Israeli Democracy Institute and Academic Chair of Automotive and Experience Marketing conferences. He has served as a judge at the Effie Awards competition promoting marketing and advertising, the Best Product of the Year Competition, and the Super-Brands competition.
Vice Dean, lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Business Administration and head of the Cyber Risk Management Research Institute at Ono Academic College. Researcher in the field of law and technology, cyber regulation, cognitive biases and behavioral ethics. In addition, she is a partner in the INTACT company specializing in cyber crisis management and corporate regulation in the cyber field. She is currently a member of the management forum for cyber crises and understanding regulation on the board of directors. Active in influential forums, conferences and committees in the field of cyber and privacy policy. Formerly a senior officer in the prosecution unit of the Israel Police – Lahav 433.
Dr. Michal Shapira ( Ph.D.) is the director of the marketing and digital school at Ono Academic College. Dr. Shapira earned her Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in social work from Tel Aviv University (graduating Magna Cum Laude). He then completed a master’s in management (MSc.) at Tel Aviv University (Magna Cum Laude). She earned her. Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the faculty of social sciences in Tel Aviv University and then completed her Post Doc. At the marketing department ‘ at the faculty of business administration at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on selective attention implementations in marketing and attitude change , social networks, and communication. Dr. Shapira has extensive experience in development and training programs in leading firms and is continuously involved in the marketing, communication, and digital industry, judging in prestigious competitions designed to promote the professional standard in the industry and participating in professional conferences , panels, and discussions in the fields of marketing, communication and digital transformation. Dr. Shapira serves as a member at the board of directors and as a consultant in several organizations and involved in forums, conferences, and committees in the media, digital, and marketing industries. She also serves as Chairperson of the Committee for the Translation of Terms of marketing and Digital at the Academy of Language. Until 2021 , Michal served as a member at the board of directors at the second authority of television and radio. She served as the chairman of the Radio Committee at the Board of Directors of the Authority. Before she served as the chairperson of the Research and Multiculturalism Committee. She was also a member at the T.V Committee, the Committee for the Recruitment of Directors of the News Television Companies, and the Committee for the of the Representation of Women in the Media. Michal served as VP and director of strategic planning and research at leading advertising agencies
Dr. Shalit possesses more than 30 years of experience in organizational consulting for large and small organizations, start-ups, and veterans in the private, public, military, and security sectors. He specializes in personal consulting and management of development programs and is the owner of Dingo Strategic Consulting. Dr. Shalit engages in teaching and consulting in the areas of business strategy, strategic processes, and effective leadership of organizational changes.
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., Shalit, B. (1992). A field study of employees’ attitudes and behavior after promotion decisions, Journal of Applied Psychology, 77 (4), 511-514.
Career Counselor and formerly Director of Training at the Israeli Management Center.
Owner of an accounting firm specializing in corporate and non-profit auditing, financial consulting, tax planning, and business mediation. Previously, Shlomo Raani was the CPA and chair of the fund for financing traffic accident prevention activities at the Ministry of Transport.
Arie Jacobi is an assistant professor in the faculty of Business Administration at the Ono Academic College and Peres Academic Center in Israel. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Science, Mathematics, and History of Art from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1985 – Cum laude). He received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1988 – Magna cum laude), specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1995), specializing in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and approximation methods. Dr. Jacobi is a researcher in mathematical modeling, Healthcare Information Systems, Social Networks, and Approximation Theory. His academic experience enables him to conduct interdisciplinary research by integrating tools from various areas, such as Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, data science, and multi-dimensional data visualization technologies. He applies these tools to other fields that need advanced mathematical modeling and solutions, such as Finance and Healthcare and Medical Informatics. As part of his academic work, Dr. Jacobi has been published in well-established journals and is involved in international research collaborations.
Bercovier, M. & Jacobi, A.1992, Approximation and/or Construction of Curves by Minimization Methods with or without Constraints. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 211-232.
Bercovier, M. & Jacobi, A. 1994, Minimization, Constraints and Composite Bézier Curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 11., pp. 533-563.
Ronen Kleinman has been a manager in the professional department of the E&Y firm, an accounting lecturer, and a recipient of a gold medal from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants after passing the advanced financial council test.
Dr. Guy Adoram is an expert in entrepreneurship, marketing and business strategy. He works as an independent business consultant specializing in diagnosing problems, providing solutions, training and implementation of marketing, entrepreneurship, business strategy and sales action plans. Dr. Adoram has worked as the Marketing Manager for Maccabi Health Services and Marketing Director in the Quality and Certification Division of the Israeli Standards Institute.  Prof. Adoram has taught at Israel’s Open University – MBA Program in the Department of Management and Economics.
Adoram, G. (2009). Cultural differences of Entrepreneurship Myopia, Conference book, Culture of Business – Capital of Culture.
Adoram, G. (2011). Entrepreneurship and the value chain: importance, risks and suggestions. Advances in Management.‏
Shachar Erllich has served as the VP of Marketing & Business Development at a leading healthcare organization. He has extensive experience in formulating marketing strategies in organizations from the health and pharmaceutical industries.
As Chief Executive for Headquarters and Regulation Yuval Tanur is a member of the senior management team at Ono Academic College, including a member of the budgetary and planning forums. In addition to the general management of the college, Tanuri supervises large projects such as merging with other colleges and the development of new academic programs.  He is in charge of the field of regulation and the college’s ongoing work in conjunction with Israel’s Council for Higher Education. Prior to coming to Ono, Tanuri worked as an Academic Program Manager and Lecturer at the Institute for Future Leadership in Sderot. Previously, he served as a liaison for the governing coalition’s legislative work at the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Tanuri is a Board member of the non-profit organization “The Institute for Future Leadership” and a lecturer in the various leadership programs. He is also a member of the auditing committee of the non-profit organization The Future Generation of Kiryat Ono which provides rehabilitation assistance for children. In 2008, Tanuri received an M.B.A.from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, and in 2005 he received an  LL.B. Degree from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.  He has been licensed to practice law in Israel since May 2005. Tanuri has also studied at the University of California, Berkeley and at the Kolot Peer Program, which engages the plurality of voices within the Jewish textual tradition in order to help fashion Israel as a model society,
Dr. Dina Nir specializes in organizational consulting and leading change processes in organizations. She delivers lectures and workshops to companies and the general public on topics such as the science of happiness and personal and organizational prosperity. She was formerly the director of marketing and business development at Medic Corporation.
Kluger, A. N., Nir, D., & Kluger, Y. (2008). Personal Position Repertoire (PPR) from a bird's eye view. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 21, 223-238.
Kluger, A. N., & Nir, D. (2010). Feedforward First, Feedback Later. Human Resource Management Review, 20 (3), 235–246.
Dr. Sharbel Shoukair is Vice President of Sectoral Development at Ono Academic College. The position includes developing new degrees and initiating curricula and new tracks of study. In addition, he serves as Deputy Dean of the Humanities, which includes responsibility for faculty budgets, absorption of new faculty, and agreements. Previously, Dr. Shoukair served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and as Head of the Finance and Capital Markets specialization in undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Shoukair, S. (2007). Fundamentals of Finance, First Edition. Published by the Ono Academic College.
Shoukair, S.. (2008). Fundamentals of Finance, Extended Second Edition. Published by the Ono Academic College.
Dr. Iyad Suleiman is a researcher in Data Mining and Computational Machine Learning. He focuses on predicting future events, student success in studies, and the effects of sociocultural data on learning achievements and adaptive learning. In addition, Suleiman is interested in social network analysis and data science. He completed his doctorate in 2013 at the University of Bradford in England under Prof. Mick Ridley of the University of Bradford and Prof. Reda Alhaj of Calgary University of Canada. He founded a start-up in the Ofek technology incubator in Migdal Haemek and then managed a software development company. In earlier years, Suleiman worked as a programmer at several software companies. He also studied and achieved a Master’s Degree in Middle Eastern History at the University of Haifa and worked as a teaching assistant in the department.
Suleiman I., Arslan M. (2013). Integrating Genetic Algorithm into the Development of Computerized Play-Based Assessment tool for School Readiness. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 82. 852 – 857.
Suleiman I., Arslan M., Alhajj, R., & Ridley, M. (2015). Implementation of a modified multi objective optimization GA algorithm in a Stealth Assessment for School Readiness. AACE - Global Learn 2015, Berlin.
Sara Tilleman is the English Studies Coordinator at Ono Academic College.
Adv. Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin focuses on the private sector and NGOs. She is the Vice President of the Manufacturers Association (Small and Medium Businesses), Chairman of Tavlit Plastic, and director of various other companies. She is a strategic consultant in the fields of corporate governance, regulation, and business continuity. Nahmias-Verbin has been a lecturer at the Lahav Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv University since 2005. Nahmias-Verbin has extensive managerial experience as a member of boards of directors, chairman of board committees, and expert in regulation and corporate governance. Adv. Nahmias-Verbin served as a member of the Knesset for the Zionist Union and the Labor Party between 2015 and 2019. There she served as a member of the Economic, Foreign Security, Knesset, and Child Rights Committees. Among her other activities, she headed the Industry Lobby and the Israel-Greece Friendship Lobby.
Yarden Vatikay is a lecturer in communications and using information as a tool for building national resilience and personal security. Vatikay recently completed his tenure as head of the National Information Office at the Prime Minister’s Office, where he served from 2008-2019. He joined the firm “Benyahu Consulting and Strategy Ltd.” Serving as the strategic advisor of Avi Benayahu, former IDF spokesman and commander of IDF Radio. From 2003 to 2008, Vatikay served as Director of Communications and Information of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization. From 2001 to 2002, he worked as Communications Adviser to the Minister of Defense. Between 1996 and 2001, he served as IDF Spokesman, and between 1995 and 1996, he was assistant to the Prime Minister’s Communications Adviser. Vatikay was the winner of the “Roaring Lion” Public Relations Award 2013 for the explanatory assessments of President Obama’s visit to Israel. In 2007, he won the “Roaring Lion” PR Association Award for Campaign of the Year.
Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Zvika Tessler is a lecturer in the course “Introduction to National Resilience.” In addition, he served as the Director of a philanthropic project to establish “homes for life” for people with disabilities and as the director of two companies. Tessler was VP of Human Resources in the Yavneh Business, Hapoel Mizrahi Group for Cooperative Settlement Ltd. Tessler was discharged from the IDF with the rank of brigadier general after completing a variety of positions: Chief of Staff of the Home Front Command; Commander of the Dan District in the Home Front Command; Commander of a battalion commander course; Head of the Defense Department at Air Force Headquarters; Commander of Operational Squadrons and Training Squadron in the Air Force; and a helicopter pilot. In the Israel Police, he served as Director of the Department of Planning and Organization and retired with the rank of Deputy Commissioner.
Dr. Tal Israel is a lecturer in communication and the process of using information as a tool for building national resilience and personal security. He has served as a lecturer in Communication at Ariel University since 2013. In addition, between 2013 and 2015, Israel was a Research Fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University. In 2019, Dr. Israel served as the spokesman for the Jerusalem Municipality and Director of Spokespersons, Marketing and Information. In addition, he was the Director of Spokespersons and Customer Service for Israel Railways from 2014 to 2019. Furthermore, he was the Head of the Public Relations Division in the IDF Spokesman’s Division from 2010 to 2014. Additionally, between 2001 and 2010, he was the Israeli Air Force (IAF) spokesman.
Since 2008, Dr. Yariv Sagi has worked in planning public policy and offering strategic political consulting, mainly at local government level, for government organizations, and the third sector. In addition, he served as a facilitator of civic empowerment processes in the community and a researcher in the field of behavioral policy. Sagi is a Public Policy and Public Administration Doctor from the School of Public Policy and Government, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Dr. Yosef Ben specializes in national and organizational resilience. He is a sociologist, group facilitator, and senior organizational consultant. Dr. Ben teaches in the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College as well as in the MA program for organizational consulting at the University of Haifa and the MA program for disaster management at Tel Aviv University. He is a partner in leading research teams in the field of resilience (Israel 2048), coordinates the field of community and volunteering in the “Essence of Israel” organization that promotes resilience and assessments of emergencies. Dr. Ben is a senior officer in the reserves in the IDF’s Home Front Command’s population system. He is a member of the Board of the National Emergency Knowledge and Research Center at the University of Haifa. Dr. Ben has experience in emergency management as a former local authority chief of staff and as part of international aid delegations.
Maj. Gen. (ret.) Alon Levavi serves as the Head of Specialization, National and Organizational Resilience in the Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Levavi is the Founder and CEO of Next-Now (ltd) – Strategic consulting and entrepreneurship. Levavi served as a combat helicopter pilot in the Israel Air Force and later served in the Israel National Police for a total of 34 years in a variety of senior management and command positions. He ended his service with the police in 2019 as Deputy Commissioner. Among other duties, he served as chief of operations, chief of policing, district deputy, police spokesman, police sub-district commander, and police station commander. Levavi is a graduate of the FBI Crisis Negotiation Course and the Wexner Foundation’s senior program at the Kennedy School of Government-Harvard University.
Oved Yehezkehel is a Lecturer in National Resilience. He teaches the course “Planning and Regulation.” Yehezkehel serves as the Chairman of the Tara Corporation, a regulatory-governmental consulting firm. He also serves as a lecturer at the School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya and has taught at the School of Public Policy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the IDF National Security College. Oved Yehezkehel served as the 31st Secretary of the Government of Israel. Yehezkehel has many years of experience in the fields of government and regulation. In municipal government, he worked for 14 years in the Jerusalem Municipality, of which he spent about a decade in the mayor’s office. Nationally, Yehezkehel served in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, and the Prime Minister’s Office. He also served as a board member in public and business corporations and as a member of government committees. Yehezkehel serves as Lt. Col. (res.) in Unit 8200.
Ron Tzur is a Lecturer in the National Resilience program. He studies national resilience as an engine of economic growth. Tzur serves as CEO and owner of Sparks Consulting Group. He is an expert in managing and leading strategic changes. Prior to his current position, he served as CEO and partner of the consulting company Pareto Group. He has held key positions in the Atomic Energy Committee as head of the executive unit and senior vice president. Based on his extensive and unique experience, Ron has developed unique models for designing and implementing strategy for companies, large organizations, and public systems. In addition, he developed methods for leading change and ensuring operational capability for strategy implementation. Tzur is the author of the book “Sparks of Opportunity.”
Major General (Ret.) Gila Gaziel is a guest lecturer in the National Resilience program focusing on Israel’s multicultural society. She specializes in national and organizational resilience. Gaziel enlisted in the Israel Police in 1987 as a welfare officer and held many positions in the Human Resources Division. In 1998, she was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was then appointed the head of the Retirement and Injury Division in the Individual Department. She later served as the head of the recruitment bureau and head of the promotion and placement of officers. In 2006, she was appointed head of the Border Guard’s Human Resources Department with the rank of Deputy Chief of Staff. In 2007, she was appointed Head of the Individual Officers Department in the Human Resources Division. In 2011, she was appointed deputy head of the division. In 2015, she was appointed head of the Human Resources Division of the Israel Police and was promoted to the rank of Major General. At the same time, she was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the “Police Funds” company.
Dr. Iris Gavish is a Lecturer in the fields of statistics and probability and a faculty member in the Faculty of Business Administration. She was formerly an economist at Delta Carmiel and later the deputy head of the economics department at the company’s lingerie division.
The 23rd International Conference on Environmental Indicators at Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa, Israel
The 2nd Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE
Col. (Res.) Royee Beary is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration, specializing in national and organizational resilience. He teaches the course Introduction to National Resilience. In his last position in the Israel Defense Forces, he served as commander of the Southern District in the Home Front Command.
Prof. Amnon Meisels has been a faculty member of the Department of Computer Science at Ben-Gurion University for 35 years, dating back to when it was still the Mathematics & Computer Science Dept. He served as head of the Computer Science Department., shortly after it was formed, from 2004 to 2006. He founded the Software Engineering program in 2000 and served as its head until 2004. SE is a 4-year joint program of the Dept. of Computer Science of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Department of Information Systems Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. His main field of research centers on the distributed search for constrained optimization and on network-based games that resemble asymmetric distributed constraints optimization problems (ADCOPs) in general. His book “Distributed Search by Constrained Agents” was published by Springer Verlag in January 2008. Prof. Meisels has served and continues to serve on the program committees of all major AI conferences that deal with constraints-based reasoning over the last 20 years. In the last seven years, his group pioneered a major effort to investigate models for self-interested agents in Distributed Constrained Search. This research produced several groundbreaking papers. Two recent examples are the “Incentive-based search for efficient equilibria of the public goods game” (Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2018) and the “Incentive-based search for equilibria in Boolean games” (Constraints, 2019). In addition, an innovative search algorithm for finding efficient pure Nash equilibria in general multi-agent games was presented at the 24th International Conference on Constraints Processing (CP-2018). These palettes of algorithms and results have served as a basis for a joint research & development project financed by the Israeli Innovation Authority to design and produce a multi-agent system for managing the operating rooms at Soroka Medical Center in 2019-2021. Prof. Amnon Meisels has published over 140 scientific papers across all primary AI Journals, such as AI Journal, JAIR, Constraints, JAAMAS, and in all major related conferences – IJCAI, AAAI, CP, AAMAS, and more. Over the years, he instructed close to 40 graduate students for 2nd and 3rd degrees at the Computer Science Department at BGU. Over the last 20 years, Prof. Meisels has been involved in establishing and reviewing Computer Science and Software Engineering programs in various colleges and universities. He designed the computer science program at Sapir College in 2000 and consulted and helped staff it until it became a successful CS department in 2010. He currently heads the Computer Science program at Ono Academic College, where he was involved in proposing it from its inception in 2016 and in shaping its current form and high standards from its first class in 2019 until today.
Adv. Yuval Sasson is a partner in Meitar | Law Offices, Israel’s leading international law firm; he is a partner at the firm’s Commercial and Litigation Groups. In addition, Yuval also heads the firm’s Homeland Security, Cyber, Defense, and Aerospace (Aviation Law) team and has expertise in international compliance regimes such as import/export regulation, anti-money laundering (AML) regulation, cyber resilience, Cyber Incident Response and regulation regarding corrupt foreign practices (FCPA and its Israeli analog) as well as litigation in such matters. As part of his practice, Yuval advises clients in the course of criminal investigations and in connection with white-collar offenses, including defense offenses, corruption, money laundering, securities-related offenses, antitrust, extraditions, and management responsibility. Yuval also represents technology companies engaged in developing offensive or defensive cyber platforms and is fully acquainted with the technological background of these industries. In addition, Yuval advises companies regularly on cyber resilience and Cyber Incident Response, particularly the management of cyber incidents. As a former Deputy to Israel’s State Attorney, Yuval gained extensive experience handling high-profile cases involving sensitive security matters. In addition, Yuval is a well-known lecturer and commentator on legal and commercial issues related to cyber, compliance, defense, homeland security, aerospace, and military operations. Yuval also regularly advises governmental bodies and agencies on international public law matters.
Ely Calderon is the Head of Enforcement in The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority (IPPA) at the Israeli Ministry of Justice. In this role, Ely provides leadership for the enforcement activities of the IPPA, thus protecting Personal Information held in digital databases by all entities in Israel – private, public, and governmental. This unique position allows for bridging the ever-growing gap between technology and regulation, utilizing his technological, marketing, and legal experience to strategize the IPPA’s enforcement policy, harness tools, and lead various teams. These teams include internal and external investigators, inspectors, lawyers, CPA’s and technological experts in the fields of forensic analysis, cybercrime and cyber protection, administrative and criminal enforcement of data protection law over the private and public sector, and the enforcement of the Digital Signature law. Ely represents the authority in national and international enforcement collaborations, in parliament committees, governmental projects, and international conventions, taking part in the privacy legislation processes from inception to implementation and execution.
Dr. Michael Tivin (Doctorate in Business Development and Innovation),  Principal Engineering and Innovation manager at Cisco Israel. Advisory Board member at two Israeli Startups (in HRTech and Gaming areas), Member of the innovation board at IDU (Israeli Director Union), and Member of the Innovation and Startup boards a the Israeli Chamber of Information Technology. Business and Entrepreneurship mentor at 8200 Impact social accelerator.
Rami Tamam holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Tel Aviv University and a Master’s Degree in Law from Bar Ilan University and has been accepted by the Israel Bar Association for many years. Rami served as a senior officer in the Israel Police in various positions in Lahav 433, spearheading investigations as joint task force commander with the Police, the State Attorney’s Office, the Tax Authority, and the Prohibition on Money Laundering Authority. Rami is a certified cyber and computer forensics investigator for the Israel Police and other organizations. He commanded the Police Forensic Investigators’ Course and conducted various computer investigations. Currently, Rami is the director of an MBA course majoring in cyber forensics and security at Ono Academic College and teaches cyber and money laundering law in various academic institutions in Israel and to different authorities worldwide. As Unit Leader, Rami led investigations of financial cases, public corruption, and cyber and online gambling that were the focus of public interest in Israel and abroad, including investigations of prime ministers, ministers, and other officials, the Ashdod Port case, and international crime organizations. These investigations were supported by the State Attorney, the Attorney General, and various senior prosecutors. Rami directed precedent regulatory processes, including blocking illegal gambling websites and “blacklists” of bank accounts. These days, Rami provides his extensive knowledge, experience, and skills to public and private sector clients. Rami is a guest lecturer at the Hebrew University and a part-time teacher at Sapir Academic College and the Ono Academic College on money laundering and cyber and currently manages the cyber course of the MBA degree of the Ono Academic College. Rami has recently finished composing a joint project with senior economists from Harvard and MIT: the Parliamentary Investigation Committee Report on Credit Extension to Tycoons – Kabel Committee. He had previously chaired the Meuhedet HMO investigation committee and provided opinions on corporate office holders’ offenses in various companies in the Israeli market.
Mr. Altal is an expert in ethical hacking and software security architecture and development and provides information security consulting services to international clients. He has decades of experience in the cyber field and numerous ethical hacking exercises, penetration testing, and forensics examinations for leading companies and governmental offices around the globe. He lectured and briefed heads of Information security and high-ranking military personnel, sat on numerous committees in the Israeli parliament (the Knesset) as an information security advisor for the Darknet, and was a speaker at several internal conventions. Mr. Altal is also a senior researcher for various Security Institutions, providing security consulting services for challenging companies around the globe in the following industries: Transport, Banking, E-commerce, Medical, Telecommunications, and government.
Dr. Yonatan Bezalel began his career as a student at the Bank of Israel and, from there, moved to the private market as an economics and purchasing analyst at Intel. He has been in public service since 2008, initially as a senior economist in the budget division of the Ministry of Health and since 2010 in several senior positions in the Ministry of Finance – the Accountant General’s Division. In 2020-2021, he served as CFO of the Government Tourism Company (HMAT). He is currently a senior deputy accountant in the Prime Minister’s Office and the CFO of several ministries and trust units, including the National Security Headquarters, the Economic Council, the Ministry of Intelligence, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, the Ministry of Diaspora, the Ministry of Settlement and the National Civil Service Authority.
Keynote speaker at the EEA (European Economic Association) conference, Manchester (UK), August (2019), “Monetary pledges and meaning”.
Keynote speaker at the APET (Association of Public Economic Theory) conference, Strasbourg (France), July 2019, “The search for meaning in crowdfunding”.
Dr. Gnizy has many years of experience in large Hi-tech organizations and leading companies in Israel and abroad, in the fields of digital, information technology, project management, and in the fields of marketing and business development, as well as in positions that combine business approach to technology, consultant to organizations, institutions, and start-ups
Gnizy, Itzhak and Aviv Shoham (2014), "Explicating the Reverse Internationalization Processes of Firms," Journal of Global Marketing, 27 (4), 1-22.
Gnizy, Itzhak, William E. Baker, and Amir Grinstein (2014), "Proactive Learning Culture: A Dynamic Capability and Key Success Factor for SMEs Entering Foreign Markets," International Marketing Review, 31 (5), 477-505.
Dr. David Yechiam Aharon holds the position of senior researcher and lecturer at Ono Academic College. Within the institution, he serves as the deputy head of the finance specialization for both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Additionally, he is responsible for overseeing the research budget for faculty members in the Faculty of Business Administration and instructs courses in finance and research methods. Dr. Aharon’s research pursuits are centered on comprehending the structure and operations of financial markets, examining the efficiency of capital markets, exploring alternative investment strategies, and studying investor behavior. His contributions to the field are reflected in numerous publications in renowned international journals specializing in economics and finance, which include the Journal of Portfolio Management, Finance Research Letters, Energy Economics, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis, among others.
"Asymmetric volatility in the cryptocurrency market: New evidence from models with structural breaks?", International Review of Financial Analysis, Accepted.
"Oil Price Shocks and Inflation: A Cross-National Examination in the ASEAN5+3 Countries", Resources Policy, Accepted.
Dr. Naomi Segal is a specialist in pediatrics and medical management. Previously, she served as a Senior Manager at Maccabi Health Services. She was responsible for planning and strategy in the Health Division of Hadassah Medical Center where she also served as Director of the Quality and Strategy Division.
Siegal G, Hochman I, Siegal N. 2001. “Medical Treatments of Mature Minors – A Plea for Legal Reconsideration”. Med Law, Jubilee issue; 25:317-27. (Hebrew)
Waisman Y, Siegal N, Chemo M, Siegal G, Amir L, Blachar Y, Mimouni M. 2003. “Do Parents Understand Emergency Department Discharge Instructions? A Survey Analysis.” Isr Med Assoc J. Aug. 5(8):567-70.
Mor is a lecturer at the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College in Artificial Intelligence and a researcher in the realm of social networks and statistical analysis. Her academic journey is underpinned by a solid mathematical foundation and a distinct inclination towards statistical analysis, enabling the exploration of complex aspects of human behavior and well-being in digital environments. Additionally, she brings a decade of industry experience in organizational strategies and methods and project management to her academic and research endeavors, further enriching her insights and contributions to the field.
Atlas, Mor, Gavious, Arieh, and Ravid, Gilad. (2023). "The Role of Followers and Followees in the Adoption of Innovations." HICSS56 Proceedings
Guidance and Individualized and Group Instruction, with the Integration of the Arts. – Instructor, education-therapy, in the field of Youth Promotion in the Ministry of Education, Tel Aviv District. Worker in the Kiryat Ono local government. Individualized and group therapist for weak populations with special needs and behaviors on the risk continuum, adolescents at-risk and their families. – Instructor in three parts: the adolescent, the normative framework or the outside framework/boarding school of the adolescent at-risk, and parents. Solutions in the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social aspects. Instructor of groups of parents and management staff. Interfaces with the Department of Education, the Psychological Service, and the Welfare Department (adolescents and families cared for by Welfare following social and/or mental problems) in the therapeutic emotional groups. The goal in the group dynamics is to develop personal social skills, to empower and support and to reinforce the strong points and the belief in the self. To ‘give the soul a stage’ – with the combination of psychodrama, movement, and plastic art. – Therapist and instructor of process and emotional groups. Workshops and group dynamics in the fields of personal empowerment, emotional intelligence, coping with changes and management of crises, improvement of the service, teamwork, interpersonal communication, and so on. Specialist in instruction with group analysis and arts as healing – psychodrama, art therapy, guided imagination, NLP, treatment cards.
3. Influence of Group Therapy in Psychodrama on the Attachment Style of Children at-Risk: Educational, Emotional, Social, and Behavioral Aspects. Accepted for publication.
2. Children at-Risk: Treating Cyberbullying with Psychodrama. October 2014. The II International Conference: The Educational and Social World of a Child.