Vice Dean, lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Business Administration and head of the Cyber Risk Management Research Institute at Ono Academic College. Researcher in the field of law and technology, cyber regulation, cognitive biases and behavioral ethics. In addition, she is a partner in the INTACT company specializing in cyber crisis management and corporate regulation in the cyber field. She is currently a member of the management forum for cyber crises and understanding regulation on the board of directors. Active in influential forums, conferences and committees in the field of cyber and privacy policy. Formerly a senior officer in the prosecution unit of the Israel Police – Lahav 433.
Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University (2019) Under the supervision of Prof. Ariel Bender and Prof. Yuval Feldman.
Business Administration in Marketing and Advertising specialization, Ono Academic College (2009) (with honors).
Business Administration, Finance and Capital Markets, UNO Academic College (2008) (with honors).
Law, Ono Academic College (2009).
Teaching Areas
Law and Technology, Legal Risk Management for Executives, Economic Enforcement, Securities Law, Cyber Ethics and Compliance, and more.
Research interests
The Impact of Regulation on the Implementation of Security Systems in Organizations, Job-Holders' Responsibility in Cyber Events in Organizations, Cognitive Biases of State Representatives in Administrative and Criminal Proceedings.