Home / News / Ono Scholar Presents at American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry
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Conference: Dreaming and Journeying to Zion
Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, the Director of Ono’s International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry presented at a conference co-sponsored with the American-Israel Friendship League.
The conference featured discussions on:
Jewish life in Africa
Escape via “Operation Brothers”, “Operation Moses” and “Operation Solomon”
Absorption, Education and Training in Israel
Notable speakers included:
Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, Director of Ono’s International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry.
Daniel Sahalo, Marketing and Sales Manager of Megemeria, a jewelry school and social business that empowers Ethiopian immigrants by equipping them with the professional and life-skills needed to achieve financial independence as jewelry designers and artisans.
Daniel Limor, in his 25 years of service in the Prime Minister’s office was responsible, from headquarters and in the field, for the clandestine Ethiopian Jews Aliyah through the Sudan.