Ono Business School Program Director Sends a Dispatch from the Front

Dr. Ido Kallir, who teaches at Ono Academic College’s School of Business Administration, has been in reserve service for more than 50 days. He sent us this video from the field.

Dr. Kallir introduced himself as the liaison officer for the IDF’s “Barn Owl” Unit that for the last months has been working day and night in the Southern sector, as well as the Director of the Specialization in Finance in the Bachelor’s in Business Administration program and the Director of the Actuarial Specialization in the M.B.A. program.

Kallir notes that his programs began their studies two weeks ago, despite the many difficulties involved.  He said that it is quite difficult to teach by zoom from the war front.

He wanted all the students to know, and especially the reserve soldiers among them, that no one will be left behind. Every student, no matter when they return to studies, will get an individualized program that meets their needs.

He wished us all the best academic year possible.