Ono B-School Professors Cooperate on Block Chain Technology

Ono Business School Professors

Professor Arieh Gavious, Dean of Ono Academic College’s School of Business, Professor Tsipi Heart, Dr. Ido Kallir, and doctoral student Hadas Tamam Ben-Avraham GrottiniLab in Italy as part their joint research on the theoretical foundations of the #economics of #blockchain technology.  To read the full story, click here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02F7kAvitFgs7crXVwLv24NpR34xNVK6Zj219g4cgUQXzPg5JcsX5y5o2ahgjjajVdl&id=100077000547782&notif_id=1677329429437230&notif_t=page_tag&ref=notif