Ono Academic College’s School of Law invites the general public to a series of study sessions on the planned legal reform. The lecture series is entitled: “The End of Democracy or Its Strengthening?”
Are you tired of the partisan slogans and the screeching tones of the political parties? Is it difficult to truly understand what is going on because of the hysterical manner in which political positions are being laid out? are supposed to mean due to the fervor of passions? Are you not unconvinced when symposia to explain the situation only feature speakers who hold the same position?
If so, join us study the main issues that comprise the proposed judicial reform, together with Ministers of Justice, Judges of the Supreme Court, Senior Officials of the Ministry of Justice and other experts.
The Lecturers
The Discussions are led by Ono Faculty:
• Prof. Amichai Cohen, School of Law and Senior Fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute
• Dr. Hala Khoury-Bisharat, Academic Director of the School of Law
• Dr. Elad Finkelstein, Dean of the School of Law
• Prof. Yuval Elbashan, Dean of the Jerusalem Multicultural Campuses
Dates and Times
The first webinar will be held on Wednesday 1/25 at 6:00 PM (ZOOM)
A second webinar will be held on Sunday 1/29 at 6:00 PM (ZOOM)
A third webinar will be held on Thursday 2.2 at 18:00 (ZOOM)
A fourth webinar will be held on Sunday 5.2 at 6:00 pm (ZOOM).
The Topics
The topics to be discussed:
• Appointment of judges
• Reasonableness
• the Status of legal advisors
• the Overide Clause
We look forward to challenging our assumptions and exposing ourselves to new ideas. As the poet Yehuda Amichai wrote, “From the place where we are right, flowers will never grow.”
Participation in the series is free, but prior registration is required at the website
www.ono.ac.ilA link to the meeting will be sent to registrants. For comments, clarifications and questions you can contact guy.ma@ono.ac.il
To Register