Home / News / Ono Scholar Says “An Ethical Code to Manage the Crisis is the Order of the Day”
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Prof. Gil Siegal, the director of the Center for Medical Law, Bioethics and Health Policy at Ono Academic College’s Law School, calls for the Israeli government to issue an ethical code in light of the crises it is currently facing. In a wide-ranging interview published in Israel’s premier business journal, The Marker, Siegal addresses dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis, conflicts of interest, running a government when the Prime Minister is indicted and more.
Siegal noted that the current tumultuous period is full of ethical questions for which decision makers need guidance. Regarding the Corona epidemic, he asked and addressed many questions. Is it moral to close down economic activity in order to save the lives of senior citizens? Who gets connected to ventilators and who does not? Where should Israel concentrate its limited resources and who should be the one deciding?