Ono Scholar Provides Consumer Tips Prior to New Year Shopping

eyal maoz

Dr. Eyal Maoz, Deputy Dean of Teaching and Curriculum at Ono Academic College’s School of Business was recently interviewed on Israel Army Radio’s (Galei Tzahal) “The Method” news program. 

As Israel begins its season of New Year’s sales, Dr. Maoz was asked what type of signs do we, as consumers, respond positively to and which signs should we stay away from? He responded that consumers should come to their purchases prepared.  For instance,  Maoz joked that we shouldn’t   buy a sheep’s head (a traditional food eaten by Jews on Rosh Hashana), before the New Year, when it is most expensive.  Instead, buy it earlier and freeze it.  While this trick might not work with sheep’s heads, he suggested using it in terms of buying new clothing at times when it is least expensive.

Maoz also addressed questions such as “How to throw out less of our food?”, “How can we consume more correctly?” and “How can we educate children financially?”

To hear the whole interview, click here:  
