Rabbi Shalom's Review of Prof. Hartman's Book

Ono Scholar Brings Beta Israel Outlook to Understand Nexus Between Rav Kook and Feminism

Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, Founder and Director of Ono’s International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry recently reviewed the book, Feminism Encounters Traditional Judaism: Resistance and Accommodation, in the pages of the Times of Israel. The book, written by Prof. Tova Hartman, the Dean of Ono’s School of Humanities has now been published in Hebrew.

Rabbi Shalom begins his review with a treatment of the concepts of constructive and destructive holiness in the work of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, the visionary Orthodox rabbi, mystic, and philosopher.  He goes on to apply this conception to Prof. Hartman’s book, which explores the complex relationship between feminism and Judaism, highlighting both the tensions and the opportunities for growth.

Shalom notes that “Hartman’s book is particularly insightful because it focuses on the underlying theological and existential dimensions of this discourse. She emphasizes the importance of kindness, intellectual honesty, and a willingness to see both external and internal perspectives.”

The full article can be read at: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/from-encounter-to-fusion/