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Ono Marks 50 Years Since the Black Panthers’ Protests
Ono Academic College’s Jerusalem Multicultural Campus hosted a conference entitled “Justice Activists from Musrara: Marking 50 Years Since the Black Panthers’ Protests – 1971- 2021” on April 21, 2021. The conference was broadcast on zoom live from the original shack used by the Black Panthers as a headquarters in Jerusalem’s Musrara neighborhood.
Speakers included:
Moshe Lion – Mayor of Jerusalem, Greetings
Yuval Elbashan – Dean of Ono’s Multicultural Campuses in Jerusalem, Moderator
Charlie Bitton, Reuven Abergil and Koko Deri – Founders and leaders of the Black Panther Movement
Ayala Sabag-Marciano – “Daughter of the Panthers” and founder of the “Leviot (Lionesses)” Movement
Henriette Dahan Kalev – Ben-Gurion University and author of “Self-Organizing Systems: Wadi Salib and the Black Panthers” (1991)
Nissim Musak – Director of the film “Have you heard of the Black Panthers, Mr. Moshe?”(2003)
Dvora Bernstein – University of Haifa, author of “The Black Panthers: Conflict and Protest in Israeli Society (1971-1979)”
The conference was dedicated to the memory of a graduate of Ono’s Law School, Adv. Kochavi Shemesh, who was among the leaders of the Black Panthers, and the ideologue and spokesperson of the movement from its founding.