Home / News / “One Spirit: Two Nations” A Conference to Commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
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The One Spirit: Two Nations conference, sponsored by Ono Academic College, the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad took place via Zoom, in English, on January 27, 2021 at 13:30 (Belgrade time) 14:30 (Jerusalem time).
Featured sessions included:
The Fate of Two Nations in WWII – including a short film and greetings by officials of the government of Serbia and from Ono.
The Two Nations Before and After WWII
Major Speakers include:
Nikola Selakovic, Minister of Foreign, Affairs of the Republic of Serbia *(tbc)
Yehiel Tropper, Minister of Culture of the State of Israel
Dr. Bojan Tubic, Assistant Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Yuval Elbashan, Dean, The Multicultural Campuses in Jerusalem, Ono Academic College
Dr. Sima Avramovic, President Institutio Oratoria
Isaac Herzog, Faculty of Law, Ono Academic College
Dr Milo Lompar, Cathedra for Serbian Language and Literature, Philological Faculty of University of Belgrade
Tova Hartman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Ono Academic College