On the occasion of the Sigd holiday, Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom, founder and director of the International Center for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry at Ono Academic College, published an article in Yediot Achronot’s Ynet site entitled, “Sigd’s miracle cure to unify the Israeli people.”
In the piece, Rabbi Shalom notes that the Sigd holiday emphasizes Ethiopian Jewry’s covenant with God and its values of hope, unity and equality, that have always been rooted in their dream of a return to Jerusalem. Rabbi Shalom believes that the holiday calls on Israeli society to renew trust, transcend divisions and embrace shared destiny.
He concludes imploring us to understand that,”The Sigd holiday teaches us to extend this unity beyond times of emergency and into everyday life. It urges us to stop suspecting each other, to abandon arrogance and to recognize the value in every individual.”
The complete article can be read at: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/hjny8g8xjg