Prof. Shira Yalon Chamovitz

Dean of Students


Prof. Yalon Chamovitz is an Occupational Therapist and a licensed service accessibility provider. She heads the Israeli Institute for Cognitive Accessibility of the Ami Association and the Ono Academic College. For many years she served as a consultant in the field of intellectual disabilities to the Equal Rights Commission for Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry of Justice.  She is a member of the Disability Studies Forum and is active in promoting the rights of people with disabilities in Israel. She has developed a unique model for accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities and has published various articles in the field of cognitive accessibility and lectures on these topics at conferences in Israel and around the world.


Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut (2000).
Occupational Therapy, Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University (1993) (cum laude).
Occupational Therapy, Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University (1986) (cum laude).

Teaching Areas

Basics of occupational therapy, introduction to the health professions, learning with the patient - person and family, social involvement and advocacy.

Research interests

Cognitive accessibility; Accessibility and practical intelligence in adults with mental retardation.