Dr. Miriam Dishon-Berkovits
Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration
Miriam Dishon-Berkovits, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration at Ono Academic College, Israel. She earned her PhD in psychology at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and specialized in organizational, social and cognitive psychology. She is the recipient of the prestigious Rothschild fellowship for post-doctoral research, and did her post-doc at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University. Miriam has taught a wide range of courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and is the academic coordinator of several courses. She was appointed to various committees and has experience in the private sector. Miriam is a regular reviewer for organizational behavior and organizational psychology journals and conferences, for which she was awarded certificates of excellence. She is also a member in major professional/scientific international societies. Her current research interests focus on job resources and demands, work-family interface, organizational justice, burnout, motivation processes, goal attainment and goal setting, altruistic punishment and artificial intelligence simulations of social phenomenon. Miriam presents her research at numerous international conferences and meetings and publishes in refereed scientific journals. Miriam has extensive experience in communicating scientific psychological findings to the general audience. She was a project and science manager in a university company which developed psychology educational materials for high school students. Additionally, Miriam is the author of a widely cited psychology column in the popular Hebrew science magazine Galileo. Miriam regularly volunteers in several school development activities in the community. Miriam is also the author of a bestselling children’s book.