Dr. Boaz Shalit
Head of Human Resources Management (B.A.) and Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship (M.B.A.), Faculty of Business Administration
Possesses more than 30 years of experience in organizational consulting for large and small organizations, start-ups and veterans in the private, public, military and security sectors. Specializes in personal consulting and management of development programs. Owners of Dingo Strategic Consulting. Engages in teaching and consulting in the areas of business strategy, strategic processes and effective leadership of organizational changes.
Psychology, Bar Ilan University (2001).
Business Administration, Tel Aviv University (1996) (with honors).
Master's Degree: M.A.
Psychology, Bar-Ilan University (1989).
Psychology and Political Science, University of Haifa (1986) (with honors).
Teaching Areas
Business strategy, strategic change management, advanced strategy issues, change processes, organizational development and learning, seminar and project in strategy.
Research interests
Strategy and organizational change.